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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2021-08-19

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2021-08-19 Thu

#4497. Schneider の ポストコロニアル英語変種に関する "Dynamic Model" [model_of_englishes][world_englishes][new_englishes][variety][sociolinguistics][contact][accommodation][variation][dynamic_model]

 先日,「#4492. 世界の英語変種の整理法 --- Gupta の5タイプ」 ([2021-08-14-1]) や「#4493. 世界の英語変種の整理法 --- Mesthrie and Bhatt の12タイプ」 ([2021-08-15-1]) で世界英語変種について2つの見方を紹介した.他にも様々なモデルがあり,model_of_englishes で取り上げてきたが,近年もっとも野心的なモデルといえば,Schneider の ポストコロニアル英語変種に関する "Dynamic Model" だろう.2001年から練り上げられてきたモデルで,今や広く受け入れられつつある.このモデルの骨子を示すのに,Schneider (47) の以下の文章を引用する.

Essentially, the Dynamic Model claims that it is possible to identify a single, underlying, fundamentally uniform evolutionary process which can be observed, with modifications and adjustments to local circumstances, in the evolution of all postcolonial forms of English. The postulate of some sort of a uniformity behind all these processes may seem surprising and counterintuitive at first sight, given that the regions and historical contexts under investigation are immensely diverse, spread out across several centuries and also continents (and thus encompassing also a wide range of different input languages and language contact situations). It rests on the central idea that in a colonization process there are always two groups of people involved, the colonizers and the colonized, and the social dynamics between these two parties has tended to follow a similar trajectory in different countries, determined by fundamental human needs and modes of behaviour. Broadly, this can be characterized by a development from dominance and segregation towards mutual approximation and gradual, if reluctant, integration, followed by corresponding linguistic consequences.

 このモデルを議論するにあたっては,その背景にあるいくつかの前提や要素について理解しておく必要がある.Schneider (47--51) より,キーワードを箇条書きで抜き出してみよう.

[ 4つの(歴史)社会言語学の理論 ]

 1. Language contact theory
 2. A "Feature pool" of linguistic choices
 3. Accommodation
 4. Identity

[ 2つのコミュニケーション上の脈絡 ]

 1. The "Settlers' strand"
 2. The "Indigenous strand"

[ 4つの(歴史)社会言語学的条件と言語的発展の関係に関わる要素 ]

 1. The political history of a country
 2. Identity re-writings of the groups involved
 3. Sociolinguistic conditions of language contact
 4. Linguistic developments and structural changes in the varieties concerned

[ 5つの典型的な段階 ]

 1. Foundation
 2. Exonormative stablization
 3. Nativization
 4. Endonormative stabilization
 5. Differentiation

 Schneider のモデルは野心的かつ包括的であり,その思考法は Keller の言語論を彷彿とさせる.今後,どのように議論が展開していくだろうか,楽しみである.

 ・ Schneider, Edgar W. "Models of English in the World." Chapter 3 of The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Ed. by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma. New York: OUP, 2017. 35--57.
 ・ Keller, Rudi. On Language Change: The Invisible Hand in Language. Trans. Brigitte Nerlich. London and New York: Routledge, 1994.

[ 固定リンク | 印刷用ページ ]

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