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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2021-08-13

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2021-08-13 Fri

#4491. 1300年かかったイングランドの完全英語化 [anglo-saxon][language_death][celtic][welsh][cornish][linguistic_imperialism]

 連日の記事で,英語の世界的拡大について Trudgill の論考を参照してきた.その最終節で,Trudgill (30) が洞察に満ちた指摘をしている.

Meanwhile, as all the events described above [= the expansion of English] were taking place around the world, back on the island of Britain, where the English language first came into being, Brittonic, the first language ever to be threatened by English, continued to hold its own in the forms of Welsh and Cornish, well over a millennium after contact with Germanic had first begun. Indeed, there were for a long time still parts of the English language's homeland, England, which remained non-English speaking. Some small border areas of England in Herefordshire and Shropshire---Oswestry, for example---remained Welsh-speaking until the middle of the eighteenth century. And Cornish . . . , which had survived the Anglo-Saxon incursions for many centuries, seems to have been lost as a viable native community language only in the late 1700s---although by that time there would have been very few monolingual Cornish speakers for several generations. When it eventually died out, England for the first time finally became a totally English-speaking country: the complete linguistic anglicisation of England had taken 1,300 years.

 引用文で触れられているケルト系言語 Welsh と Cornish については「#1718. Wales における英語の歴史」 ([2014-01-09-1]),「#3742. ウェールズ歴史年表」 ([2019-07-26-1]),「#779. Cornish と Manx」 ([2011-06-15-1]) を参照.

 ・ Trudgill, Peter. "The Spread of English." Chapter 2 of The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Ed. by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma. New York: OUP, 2017. 14--34.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-04-24-1]

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