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2021-08-20 Fri

#4498. 世界英語と最適性理論 [ot][phonology][world_englishes][pidgin][contact][sociolinguistics]

 社会言語学的文脈で議論されることが多い世界英語 (world_englishes) と,音韻理論としての最適性理論 (Optimality Theory; ot) の2つを組み合わせて考えてみることなど,これまでなかったが,Uffmann がまさにそのような論考を提示している.
 "World Englishes and Phonological Theory" という論題だけを見たときには,世界中の様々な英語変種の音韻論を比べて,最適性理論により統一的に説明しようとするものだろうかと思ったが,どうもそういうわけではないようだ.究極の目標としてはそのようなことも考えているのかもしれないが,この論考では,主に Vernacular Liberian English (cf. 「#1697. Liberia の国旗」 ([2013-12-19-1])) というL2英語変種の音韻特徴を,L1の制約(のランキング)が持ち越されたことに由来するとして説明するのに,最適性理論を援用している.
 刺激的な論文だった.言語接触 (contact) というすぐれて社会言語学的な問題と,音韻体系に関わる理論言語学的な問題とが,最適性理論のランキングを介して結びつけられる快感を得たといえばよいだろうか.ただし,この論文で両者の結びつきが必ずしも鮮やかに提示されたわけではない.あくまで今後の課題として示されるにとどまってはいる.それでも,見通しとしては前途有望だ.Uffmann (79--80) は次のように見通している.

   We also still do not have a clear idea of how the social factors in language contact interface with the formal properties of a grammar. With respect to creoles, Uffmann . . . suggests that there are three main processes at work whose relative weighting will depend on the exact nature of the contact situation: (a) transfer of substrate rankings, (b) levelling across substrates, which will be levelling to the unmarked (unless the marked option is shared by a majority of speakers), that is, choosing the ranking from the pool of grammars in which markedness constraints are ranked highest, and (c) acquisition of the superstrate grammar, as reranking via constraint demotion . . . . How does this proposal transfer to other contact varieties?
   In this context, a particularly interesting model to look at could be the Dynamic Model of postcolonial Englishes proposed in Schneider (2007; this volume). It is interesting not only because it is the best developed framework to date to account for all postcolonial varieties, from settler varieties, via nativized varieties, to pidgins and creoles. Its special relevance lies in the fact that it links sociolinguistic and socio-historical conditions to identify construction and to linguistic effects. Why and how then do specific contact settings yield specific linguistic outcomes? How could this proposal tie in with Uffmann's model of constraint transfer, levelling to the unmarked and reranking (as acquisition)? This chapter cannot answer these questions. It can only serve as a call for more serious research in this field. Linking World Englishes to phonological theory and applying the models of phonological theorizing to varieties of English from around the world can be an exciting endeavour, and it is to be hoped that it can enrich our understanding of both the processes that lead to the emergence of new Englishes and of the fundamental principles that underlie phonological computation and processing.

 最適性理論については,「#3848. ランキングの理論 "Optimality Theory"」 ([2019-11-09-1]),「#3867. Optimality Theory --- 話し手と聞き手のニーズを考慮に入れた音韻理論」 ([2019-11-28-1]),「#1581. Optimality Theory の「説明力」」 ([2013-08-25-1]),「#3910. 最適性理論 (Optimality Theory) のランキング表の読み方」 ([2020-01-10-1]) を参照.
 上の引用で参照されている Schneider の "Dynamic Model" については,昨日の記事「#4497. ポストコロニアル英語変種に関する Schneider の Dynamic Model」 ([2021-08-19-1]) を参照.

 ・ Uffmann, Christian. "World Englishes and Phonological Theory." Chapter 4 of The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Ed. by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma. New York: OUP, 2017. 63--83.
 ・ Schneider, Edgar W. "Models of English in the World." Chapter 3 of The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Ed. by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma. New York: OUP, 2017. 35--57.

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