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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2023-08-06

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2023-08-06 Sun

#5214. 句動詞の品詞転換と ODPV (2) [dictionary][lexicography][phrasal_verb][conversion][punctuation][hyphen][gerund]

 昨日の記事 ([2023-08-05-1]) に引き続き,句動詞辞典 Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (= ODPV) を参照しつつ句動詞 (phrasal_verb) の品詞転換 (conversion) について.
 ODPV の巻末 (514) に,名詞化した句動詞について概説と凡例が掲載されている.この部分を読むだけで,句動詞の品詞転換をめぐる問題や様々な側面がみえてくる.例えば,2要素の間にハイフンが挟まれるのかどうかを含めた句読法の問題,句動詞のゼロ派生ではなく動詞に -ing を付して動名詞化する別法の存在,一見句動詞の品詞転換のようでいて実はもとの対応する句動詞が欠けているケース,形容詞への品詞転換の事例など.

This index covers all the nominalized forms (ie nouns derived from verbs + particles/prepositions) recorded in the main part of the dictionary (usually but not always the base form of the verb + particle/preposition, with or without a hyphen). For a full treatment of these forms, see The Student's Guide to the Dictionary.
   Nominalized forms sometimes consist of the -ing form of the verb + particle/preposition (eg (a) dressing-down, (a) summing-up, (a) telling-off). The more common examples are recorded here.
   Each nominal form is listed alphabetically and is followed by the headphrase(s) of the entry (or entries) in which it appears in the main text:
change-over change over (from)(to); change round/over
output put out 7
   When the nominalized form is the headphrase itself, the fact is noted as follows:
fall-out (main entry)
(There is no finite verb + particle expression in regular use from which fall-out derives: a sentence such as *The nuclear tests fell out over a large area is unacceptable.)
   When a nominalized form is generally used attributively, a noun with which it commonly occurs is given in parentheses after it:
(a) see-through (blouse) see through 1
start-up (capital) start up 2
   Whether a nominalized form appears as one word, as one word with a hyphen, or as two words, is often a matter of printing convention or individual usage. The entries in the dictionary and in this index generally show the most accepted form in British usage, but variations are recorded where appropriate, eg. a) poke(-)about/around.

 ちなみに第1段落で参照されている The Student's Guide to the Dictionary の該当箇所 (xiii) には,次のようにある.

1 what is a nominalized form?
A nominalized form ('nom form' for short) is a noun formed from a phrasal verb: make-up, for instance, is formed from make up (ie 'apply cosmetics to one's face') and take-off is formed from take off (ie 'leave the ground in an aircraft'). Sometimes nom forms have a spelling which includes the letters -ing: tell off (ie 'reproach, reprimand') has the nom form telling-off.


 ・ Cowie, A. P. and R Mackin, comps. Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Oxford: OUP, 1993.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-08-07-1]

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