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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2023-08-04

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2023-08-04 Fri

#5212. 地名学者はなぜフィールドワークをするのか? [onomastics][toponymy][methodology]

 地名学者 (toponymist) は机に向かって研究することが多いという.昨今は Google Earth や3次元モデリングの地図ソフトなどを利用するコンピュータ上の作業も多くなっているようだ.一方,フィールドワークという実地検分も欠かせないという.
 スコットランドの地名を研究している Simon Taylor という地名学者が,固有名詞学に関するハンドブックのなかの1節で,フィールドワークについて次のように書いている.地名学者の生態が垣間見える良い話しだなと思ったので引用しておきたい.

There is much in the life and work of the toponymist which involves sitting at a desk, whether at home, in a library, or in an archive. Equally, there are aspects essential to the work which involve 'getting out and about'; for the purposes not just of interrogating those who live in a landscape, as in the collection of oral material, but of interrogating the landscape itself. There are many cases in which the landscape offers the key to the interpretation of a name. Ambiguity and doubt abound especially in the interpretation of names which have been mediated by a language or languages different from the one in which they were originally coined, and it is often only a careful consideration of the physical landscape, past and present, which can offer any chance of certainty. While some of this can be done through maps, and with the recently available online resources such as Google Earth and the 3D modelling of maps in such programs as Fugawi UK, there is, for the foreseeable future at least, no substitute for being in and moving through the actual landscape.

Even in cases in which there is little or no doubt concerning a given element, a detailed engagement with the landscape can shed much light on the precise definition and application of the element involved, bringing us closer to the mindset and motivations of the original name-givers. (Taylor 75)


 ・ Taylor, Simon. "Methodologies in Place-name Research." Chapter 5 of The Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming. Ed. Carole Hough. Oxford: OUP, 2016. 69--86.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-08-10-1]

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