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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2016-05-04

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2016-05-04 Wed

#2564. varietylect [variety][terminology][style][register][dialect][sociolinguistics][lexical_diffusion][speed_of_change][schedule_of_language_change]

 社会言語学では variety (変種)という用語をよく用いるが,ときに似たような使い方で lect という用語も聞かれる.これは dialect や sociolectlect を取り出したものだが,用語上の使い分けがあるのか疑問に思い,Trudgill の用語集を繰ってみた.それぞれの項目を引用する.

variety A neutral term used to refer to any kind of language --- a dialect, accent, sociolect, style or register --- that a linguist happens to want to discuss as a separate entity for some particular purpose. Such a variety can be very general, such as 'American English', or very specific, such as 'the lower working-class dialect of the Lower East Side of New York City'. See also lect

lect Another term for variety or 'kind of language' which is neutral with respect to whether the variety is a sociolect or a (geographical) dialect. The term was coined by the American linguist Charles-James Bailey who, as part of his work in variation theory, has been particularly interested in the arrangement of lects in implicational tables, and the diffusion of linguistic changes from one linguistic environment to another and one lect to another. He has also been particularly concerned to define lects in terms of their linguistic characteristics rather than their geographical or social origins.

 案の定,両語とも "a kind of language" ほどでほぼ同義のようだが,variety のほうが一般的に用いられるとはいってよいだろう.ただし,lect は言語変化においてある言語項が lect A から lect B へと分布を広げていく過程などを論じる際に使われることが多いようだ.つまり,lect は語彙拡散 (lexical_diffusion) の理論と相性がよいということになる.
 なお,上の lect の項で参照されている Charles-James Bailey は,「#1906. 言語変化のスケジュールは言語学的環境ごとに異なるか」 ([2014-07-16-1]) で引用したように,確かに語彙拡散や言語変化のスケジュール (schedule_of_language_change) の問題について理論的に扱っている社会言語学者である.

 ・ Trudgill, Peter. A Glossary of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

[ 固定リンク | 印刷用ページ ]

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