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2021-09-29 Wed

#4538. 固有名の地位 [onomastics][toponymy][personal_name][semantics][noun][category][linguistics][semiotics][sign]

 あまりにおもしろそうで,手を出してしまったら身を滅ぼすことになるかもしれないという分野がありますね.私にとって,それは固有名詞学 (onomastics) です.端的にいえば人名や地名の話題です.泥沼にはまり込むことが必至なので必死で避けているのですが,数年に一度,必ずゼミ生がテーマに選ぶのです.たいへん困ります.困ってしまうほど,私にとって磁力が強いのです.
 固有名詞の問題,要するに「名前」の問題ほど,言語学において周辺的な素振りをしていながら,実は本質的な問題はありません.言葉は名前に始まり名前に終わる可能性があるからです (cf. 「#1184. 固有名詞化 (1)」 ([2012-07-24-1]),「#1185. 固有名詞化 (2)」 ([2012-07-25-1]) で触れた "Onymic Reference Default Principle" (ORDP)).
 そもそも固有名詞というのは,言語の一部なのかそうでないのか,というところからして問題になるのが悩ましいですね.タモリさんではありませんが,私が「パリ,リヨン,マルセーユ,ブルゴーニュ」と上手なフランス語の発音で言えたとしても,フランス語がよく話せるということになりません.そもそも地名はフランス語なのかどうなのかという問題があるからです (cf. 「#2979. Chibanian はラテン語?」 ([2017-06-23-1])).
 英語史のハンドブックに,Coates による固有名詞学に関する章がありました.その冒頭の「固有名の地位」と題する1節より,最初の段落を引用します (312) .

The status of proper names
   Names is a technical term for a subset of the nominal expressions of a language which are used for referring ('identifying or selecting in context') and, in some cases, for addressing a partner in communication. Nominal expressions are in general headed by nouns. According to one of the most ancient distinctions in linguistics, nouns may be common or proper, which has something to do with whether they denote a class or an individual (e.g. queen vs Victoria), where individual means a single-member set of any sort, not just a person. Much discussion has taken place about how this distinction should be refined to be both accurate and useful, for instance by addressing the obvious difficulty that a typical proper noun denoting persons may denote many separate individuals who bear it, and that common nouns may refer to individuals by being constructed into phrases (the queen). I will leave the concept [賊proper], applied to nouns, for intuitive or educated recognition before returning to discussion of the inclusive concept of proper names directly. Proper nouns have no inherent semantic content, even when they are homonymous with lexical words (Daisy, Wells), and many, perhaps all, cultures recognise nouns whose sole function is to be proper (Sarah, Ipswich). Typically they have a unique intended referent in a context of utterance. Proper names are the class of such proper nouns included in the class of all expressions which have the properties of being devoid of sense and being used with the intention of achieving unique reference in context. Onomastics is the study of proper names, and concentrates on proper nouns; I shall confine the main subject-matter of this chapter to the institutionalised proper nouns associated with English and, in accordance with ordinary usage, I shall call them proper names or just names. Readers should note that strictly speaking these are a subset of proper names, and from time to time other members of the larger set will be discussed. There is some evidence from aphasiology and cognitive neuropsychology that institutionalised proper nouns --- especially personal names --- form a psychologically real class . . . .


 ・ Coates, Richard. "Names." Chapter 6 of A History of the English Language. Ed. Richard Hogg and David Denison. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. 312--51.

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