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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2021-02-20

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2021-02-20 Sat

#4317. なぜ「格」が "case" なのか [terminology][case][grammar][history_of_linguistics][etymology][dionysius_thrax][sobokunagimon][latin][greek][vocative]

 本ブログでは種々の文法用語の由来について「#1257. なぜ「対格」が "accusative case" なのか」 ([2012-10-05-1]),「#1258. なぜ「他動詞」が "transitive verb" なのか」 ([2012-10-06-1]),「#1520. なぜ受動態の「態」が voice なのか」 ([2013-06-25-1]),「#3307. 文法用語としての participle 「分詞」」 ([2018-05-17-1]),「#3983. 言語学でいう法 (mood) とは何ですか? (1)」 ([2020-03-23-1]),「#3984. 言語学でいう法 (mood) とは何ですか? (2)」 ([2020-03-24-1]),「#3985. 言語学でいう法 (mood) とは何ですか? (3)」 ([2020-03-25-1]) などで取り上げてきた.今回は「格」がなぜ "case" と呼ばれるのかについて,連日参照・引用している Blake (19--20) より概要を引用する.

The term case is from Latin cāsus, which is in turn a translation of the Greek ptōsis 'fall'. The term originally referred to verbs as well as nouns and the idea seems to have been of falling away from an assumed standard form, a notion also reflected in the term 'declension' used with reference to inflectional classes. It is from dēclīnātiō, literally a 'bending down or aside'. With nouns the nominative was taken to be basic, with verbs the first person singular of the present indicative. For Aristotle the notion of ptōsis extended to adverbial derivations as well as inflections, e.g. dikaiōs 'justly' from the adjective dikaios 'just'. With the Stoics (third century BC) the term became confined to nominal inflection . . . .
   The nominative was referred to as the orthē 'straight', 'upright' or eutheia onomastikē 'nominative case'. Here ptōsis takes on the meaning of case as we know it, not just of a falling away from a standard. In other words it came to cover all cases not just the non-nominative cases, which in Ancient Greek were called collectively ptōseis plagiai 'slanting' or 'oblique cases' and for the early Greek grammarians comprised genikē 'genitive', dotikē 'dative' and aitiatikē 'accusative'. The vocative which also occurred in Ancient Greek, was not recognised until Dionysius Thrax (c. 100 BC) admitted it, which is understandable in light of the fact that it does not mark the relation of a nominal dependent to a head . . . . The received case labels are the Latin translations of the Greek ones with the addition of ablative, a case found in Latin but not Greek. The naming of this case has been attributed to Julius Caesar . . . . The label accusative is a mistranslation of the Greek aitiatikē ptōsis which refers to the patient of an action caused to happen (aitia 'cause'). Varro (116 BC--27? BC) is responsible for the term and he appears to have been influenced by the other meaning of aitia, namely 'accusation' . . . .

 この文章を読んで,いろいろと合点がいった.英語学を含む印欧言語学で基本的なタームとなっている case (格)にせよ declension (語形変化)にせよ inflection (屈折)にせよ,私はその名付けの本質がいまいち呑み込めていなかったのだ.だが,今回よく分かった.印欧語の形態変化の根底には,まずイデア的な理想形があり,それが現世的に実現するためには,理想形からそれて「落ちた」あるいは「曲がった」形態へと堕する必要がある,というネガティヴな発想があるのだ.まず最初に「正しい」形態が設定されており,現実の発話のなかで実現するのは「崩れた」形である,というのが基本的な捉え方なのだろうと思う.

 ・ Blake, Barry J. Case. 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP, 2001.

Referrer (Inside): [2021-03-06-1]

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