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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2021-01-18

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2021-01-18 Mon

#4284. 決り文句はほとんど無冠詞 [greetings][interjection][formula][syntax][article][exclamation][pragmatics][christmas]

 正式な I wish you a merry Christmas! という挨拶を省略すると Merry Christmas! となり,I wish you a good morning. を省略すると Good morning! となる.身近すぎて気に留めることもないかもしれないが,挨拶のような決り文句 (formula) を名詞句へ省略する場合には,冠詞を切り落とすことが多い.前置詞句などを伴うケースで A merry Christmas to you! のように冠詞が残ることもあり,水を漏らさぬルールではないものの,決り文句性が高ければ高いほど冠詞まで含めて省略されるようだ.感嘆句的な Charming couple!, Dirty place!, Excellent meal!, Poor thing!, Good idea!, Lovely evening! とも通じ合うし,その他 Cigarette?, Good flight?, Next slide? などの疑問句にも通じる冠詞の省略といえる.代表的な決り文句を,Quirk et al (§11.54) より一覧しよう.

GREETINGS: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening <all formal>; Hello; Hi <familiar>
FAREWELLS: Goodbye, Good night, All the best <informal>, Cheers, Cheerio <BrE, familiar>, See you <familiar>, Bye(-bye) <familiar>, So long <familiar>
INTRODUCTIONS: How do you do? <formal>, How are you?, Glad to meet you, Hi <familiar>
   (a) assent, agreement: Yes, Yeah /je/; All right, OK <informal>, Certainly, Absolutely, Right, Exactly, Quite <BrE>, Sure <esp AmE>
   (b) denial, disagreement: No, Certainly not, Definitely not, Not at all, Not likely
THANKS: Thank you (very much), Thanks (very much), Many thanks, Ta <BrE slang>, Thanks a lot, Cheers <familiar BrE>
TOASTS: Good health <formal>, Your good health <formal>, Cheers <familiar>, Here's to you, Here's to the future, Here's to your new job
SEASONAL GREETINGS: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, Many happy returns (of your birthday), Happy Anniversary
ALARM CALLS: Help! Fire!
WARNINGS: Mind, (Be) careful!, Watch out!, Watch it! <familiar>
APOLOGIES: (I'm) sorry, (I beg your) pardon <formal>, My mistake
RESPONSES TO APOLOGIES: That's OK <informal>, Don't mention it, Not matter <formal>, Never mind, No hard feelings <informal>
CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations, Well done, Right on <AmE slang>
EXPRESSIONS OF ANGER OR DISMISSAL (familiar; graded in order from expressions of dismissal to taboo curses): Beat it <esp AmE>, Get lost, Blast you <BrE>, Damn you, Go to hell, Bugger off <BrE>, Fuck off, Fuck you
EXPLETIVES (familiar; likewise graded in order of increasing strength): My Gosh, (By) Golly, (Good) Heavens, Doggone (it) <AmE>, Darn (it), Heck, Blast (it) <BrE>, Good Lord, (Good) God, Christ Almighty, Oh hell, Damn (it), Bugger (it) <esp BrE>, Shit, Fuck (it)
MISCELLANEOUS EXCLAMATIONS: Shame <familiar>, Encore, Hear, hear, Over my dead body <familiar>, Nothing doing <informal>, Big deal <familiar, ironic>, Oh dear, Goal, Checkmate

 決り文句の多くは何らかの統語的省略を経たものであり,それだけでも不規則と言い得るが,加えて様々な統語的制約が課されるという特徴もある.例えば,過去形にすることはできない,主語を別の人称に変えることはできない,間接疑問に埋め込むことができない等々の性質をもつものが多い.ただし,決り文句性というのも程度問題で,(A) happy new year! のように,不定冠詞の有無などに関して variation を残すものもあるだろうと考えている.

 ・ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-12-24-1] [2021-02-16-1]

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