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2018-04-11 Wed

#3271. 言語変化の multiple causation 再考 [causation][multiple_causation][contact][pidgin][creole][link]


 ・ 「#443. 言語内的な要因と言語外的な要因はどちらが重要か?」 ([2010-07-14-1])
 ・ 「#1232. 言語変化は雨漏りである」 ([2012-09-10-1])
 ・ 「#1233. 言語変化は風に倒される木である」 ([2012-09-11-1])
 ・ 「#1582. 言語内的な要因と言語外的な要因はどちらが重要か? (2)」 ([2013-08-26-1])
 ・ 「#1584. 言語内的な要因と言語外的な要因はどちらが重要か? (3)」 ([2013-08-28-1])
 ・ 「#1977. 言語変化における言語接触の重要性 (1)」 ([2014-09-25-1])
 ・ 「#1978. 言語変化における言語接触の重要性 (2)」 ([2014-09-26-1])
 ・ 「#1986. 言語変化の multiple causation あるいは "synergy"」 ([2014-10-04-1])
 ・ 「#3152. 言語変化の "multiple causation"」 ([2017-12-13-1])

 文法化 (grammaticalisation) を本格的に広く論じた Hopper and Traugott (213) に,この問題への言及がある.

. . . distinctions are often made in historical work between "internal" and "external" factors in change. Roughly speaking, "internal" change is associated with child language acquisition in a relatively homogeneous speech community, and "external" change with contact, whether with communities speaking dialects of the "same language" or other languages. This distinction is essentially similar to the contrast regarding the locus of change between mind/brain and grammar (= "internal") and social interaction and use (= "external"). . . . [S]uch a polarization obscures the realities of language change, in which structure and use, cognitive and social factors continually interact: "speakers' mutual accommodations can draw materials from either the same linguistic system or separate ones" (Mufwene 2001: 15). This is nowhere clearer than in pidgin and creole situations, where the notion of "homogeneous speech community" is typically not appropriate, and where, as we will see, second language acquisition plays a significant role in structural innovation.

 言語変化論では内的な要因と外的な要因を分ける伝統があるが,その境は明確ではないし,いずれにせよ両者が組み合わさって言語変化が生じ,進むことが多いという議論だ.まっとうな見解だと思う.多くの言語変化には,multiple causation が関与している.

 ・ Hopper, Paul J. and Elizabeth Closs Traugott. Grammaticalization. 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP, 2003.
 ・ Mufwene, Salikoko S. The Ecology of Language Evolution. Cambridge: CUP, 2001.

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