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2019-12-06 Fri

#3875. 手書きでは19世紀末までかろうじて生き残っていた long <s> [spelling][graphemics][alphabet][writing][printing][typography]

 long <s> と呼ばれる <<ʃ>> の字形については,すでに「#584. long <s> と graphemics」 ([2010-12-02-1]),「#2997. 1800年を境に印刷から消えた long <s>」 ([2017-07-11-1]),「#1152. sneeze の語源」 ([2012-06-22-1]),「#1732. Shakespeare の綴り方 (2)」 ([2014-01-23-1]),「#2998. 18世紀まで印刷と手書きの綴字は異なる世界にあった」 ([2017-07-12-1]),「#3869. ヨーロッパ諸言語が初期近代英語の書き言葉に及ぼした影響」 ([2019-11-30-1]) などの記事で取り上げてきた.
 long <s> は典型的に (1) 語頭や語中において,(2) <f> の前後で,あるいは (3) <ss> の1文字目において,印刷の世界では1800年後前後まで広く用いられていた.一方,手書きの世界では,もう少し遅く19世紀半ばまで使われていたとされる.ところが,Scholfield (153) では,各々についてもう少し遅い年代が挙げられている.

. . . the letters used from the seventeenth century onwards remain easily recognizable with the exception of the 'long s', written in various ways such as <ʃ> plain or <ʃ> italic, also found with part of the crossbar such as <f> has . . . . The long form derived from an earlier cursive handwritten variant of <s> and, when used, this variant occurred widely in lower case writing (not capitals) except in word final position, where the familiar 'short s' or 'round s' letter shape was used . . . . In some usage it was also not used before/after <f> or as a second <s> in a double <s> the middle of a word, or in other specific circumstances. The long 's' was widely used in print until around 1815, and while it disappeared from published material at a stroke when a printing house or typeface-designer abandoned it . . ., it faded out slowly in the usage of individuals. The author Wilkie Collins is recorded using it in the word in a diary entry as late as 1886 . . ., and it seems that this use in final double 's' position was the one which generally survived the longest.

 印刷では1815年辺りに <<ʃ>> が消えたが,手書きでは最も遅い書き手で19世紀終わり近くまで生き残ったという.大昔の話しではない.<<ʃ>> の衰退については,「#3869. ヨーロッパ諸言語が初期近代英語の書き言葉に及ぼした影響」 ([2019-11-30-1]) で,大陸からの影響があった可能性があると簡単に触れたが,Hill (437) に関連する記述を見つけた.大陸の活字に影響を受けた印刷家の不採用の結果として,一気に衰退したもののようだ.この記述によると1787--88年くらいが重要な年代だったことになる.

   The decline of the long 's' coincides closely with the emergence of the Modern or Didone letter in the eighteenth century. Though used in Bodoni's earlier work, it is absent from Manuale Typografico of 1788, and was not used by François-Ambroise Didot in the types he cut in the 1780s . . . .
   In England, the printer John Bell argued against its continued use. It was not included in the types cut for him by Richard Austin in 1788, or used in his newspaper The World from 1787. Absent from British 'Modern' faces of the late eighteenth century, its use after this date was generally limited to deliberate historical effect or pastiche.

 ・ Scholfield, Phil. "Modernization and Standardization since the Seventeenth Century." Chapter 9 of The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System. Ed. Vivian Cook and Des Ryan. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. 143--61.
 ・ Hill, Will. "Typography and the Printed English Text." Chapter 25 of The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System. Ed. Vivian Cook and Des Ryan. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. 431--51.

Referrer (Inside): [2021-03-06-1] [2020-01-27-1]

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