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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2019-12-04

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2019-12-04 Wed

#3873. 綴字が標準化・固定化したからこそ英語の書記体系は複雑になった [spelling][standardisation][spelling_pronunciation_gap][writing][orthography]

 17世紀以来の英語綴字の近代化と標準化 (standardisation) について論じた Scholfield (160) が,その結論において標記の矛盾に触れている.綴字が変わらなくなってしまったことにより,綴字と発音の対応関係,すなわち書記体系は,時間が経てば経つほど崩れてきたし,これからも崩れていくのだという洞察だ.しかも,これは英語の書記体系に限らず,どの書記体系にも当てはまるはずだという.

Thanks to the completion of the fixing of lexical spellings associated with standardization, four centuries brought little apparent change to English writing. However, when we look more closely we see that, as happens sooner or later for all writing systems that have been standardized in the same way round the world in national languages, due to sound change, the letter-sound correspondences become ever more complex. The choice of English not to naturalize loanword spellings and only incompletely to apply reason to resolve inherited variation exacerbated this. In essence the fact that the spelling of English words has 'not changed' much in recent centuries disguises the fact that, as a consequence, the English writing system, in the sense of the letter-sound correspondences, has massively changed and become even more complex, while morphemic reference has strengthened. By contrast the appearance of writing was never quite so firmly standardized and has changed rather more due to technological change and the impact of universal psychological requirements.


 ・ 「#1332. 中英語と近代英語の綴字体系の本質的な差」 ([2012-12-19-1])
 ・ 「#1386. 近代英語以降に確立してきた標準綴字体系の特徴」 ([2013-02-11-1])
 ・ 「#2043. 英語綴字の表「形態素」性」 ([2014-11-30-1])
 ・ 「#2312. 音素的表記を目指す綴字改革は正しいか?」 ([2015-08-26-1])

 ・ Scholfield, Phil. "Modernization and Standardization since the Seventeenth Century." Chapter 9 of The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System. Ed. Vivian Cook and Des Ryan. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. 143--61.

Referrer (Inside): [2019-12-21-1]

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