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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2019-01-26

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2019-01-26 Sat

#3561. 丁寧さを示す語用標識 please の発達 (3) [pragmatic_marker][pragmatics][historical_pragmatics][politeness][syntax][impersonal_verb][reanalysis][adverb][comment_clause]

 [2019-01-24-1], [2019-01-25-1] に引き続いての話題.丁寧な依頼・命令を表わす語用標識 (pragmatic_marker) としての please の発達の諸説についてみてきたが,発達に関する2つの仮説を整理すると (1) Please (it) you that . . . などが元にあり,主節動詞である please が以下から切り離されて語用標識化したという説と,(2) if you please, . . . などが元にあり,条件を表わす従属節の please が独立して語用標識化したという説があることになる.(1) は主節からの発達,(2) は従属節からの発達ということになり,対照的な仮説のようにみえる.
 Brinton (21) も,どちらかを支持するわけでもなく,Allen の研究に基づいて両説を対比的に紹介している.

An early study looking at an adverbial comment clause is Allen's argument that the politeness marker please originated in the adverbial clause if you please (1995; see also Chen 1998: 25--27). Traditionally, please has been assumed to originate in the impersonal construction please it you 'may it please you' > please you > please (OED: s.v. please, adv. and int.; cf. please, v., def. 3b). Such a structure would suggest the existence of a subordinate that-clause (subject) and argue for a version of the matrix clause hypothesis. However, the OED allows that please may also be seen as a shortened form of if you please (s.v. please, adv. and int.; cf. please, v., def. 6c). Allen notes that the personal construction if/when you please does not arise through reanalysis of the impersonal if it please you; rather, the two constructions exist independently and are already clearly differentiated in Shakespeare's time. The impersonal becomes recessive and is lost, while the personal form is routinized as a polite formula and ultimately (at the beginning of the twentieth century) shortened to please.

 語用標識 please の原型はどちらなのだろうか,あるいは両方と考えることもできるのだろうか.この問題に迫るには,初期近代英語期における両者の具体例や頻度を詳しく調査する必要がありそうだ.

 ・ Brinton, Laurel J. The Evolution of Pragmatic Markers in English: Pathways of Change. Cambridge: CUP, 2017.
 ・ Allen, Cynthia L. "On Doing as You Please." Historical Pragmatics: Pragmatic Developments in the History of English. Ed. Andreas H. Jucker. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995. 275--309.
 ・ Chen, Guohua. "The Degrammaticalization of Addressee-Satisfaction Conditionals in Early Modern English." Advances in English Historical Linguistics. Ed. Jacek Fisiak and Marcin Krygier. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998. 23--32.

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