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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2017-06-30

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2017-06-30 Fri

#2986. 世界における英語使用のジレンマ [world_englishes][lingua_franca][linguistic_imperialism][elf][new_englishes][variety]

 日本の文化や歴史などを世界に伝えたりアピールしたりする際に,媒介として英語を用いるべきだという発想は,今や特別ではない.国家や民族のアイデンティティに関する事柄を,英語のような lingua_franca を用いて世界に発信することは,日本では当然のこと,推奨すべきことと考えられている.
 Crystal (279--80) より,このジレンマとその克服法を巡る論争の本質について述べられている箇所を引こう.

The problem is greatest for poets, novelists, and dramatists in the newly independent nations, where there is often considerable antagonism towards English, seen as a symbol of colonial oppression. The dilemma is acute. Should they use the 'enemy's' language, with all the alien awkwardness that comes with the use of a second language for literary expression, in order to achieve an international audience? Or should they use their mother tongue, for which they have an immediate sensitivity, but which will place severe constraints on their potential readership? The solution, many writers maintain, is to concentrate on developing the English of their own region, making it into a language which belongs to them, and with which they can identify. 'Our method of expression', wrote the Indian author Raja Rao, 'has to be a dialect which will some day prove to be as distinctive and colorful as the Irish or the American . . . The tempo of Indian life must be infused into our English expression.' And the call for new Englishes, personal, evocative, and dynamic, has been echoed by second-language writers around the world, in South-east Asia, East and West Africa, and by first-language writers in Jamaica, South Africa, and New Zealand.

 議論のきっかけとして,インド人の詩人 Kamala Das の実用主義的な英語観を覗いてみよう (Crystal 280) .

. . . I am Indian, very brown, born in
Malabar, I speak three languages, write in
Two, dream in one. Don't write in English, they said,
English is not your mother-tongue. Why not leave
Me alone, critics, friends, visiting cousins,
Every one of you? Why not let me speak in
Any language I like? The language I speak
Becomes mine, its distortions, its queernesses
All mine, mine alone. It is half English, half
Indian, funny perhaps, but it is honest.
It is as human as I am human, don't
You see? It voices my joys, my longings, my
Hopes, and it is useful to me as cawing
Is to crows or roaring to the lions . . .
                    The Old Playhouse and Other Poems (1973)


 ・ Crystal, David. The English Language. 2nd ed. London: Penguin, 2002.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-02-14-1] [2017-07-03-1]

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