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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2009-12-25

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2009-12-25 Fri

#242. phonaesthesia と 遠近大小 [sound_symbolism][onomatopoeia][phonaesthesia][phonetics]

 Glasgow 大学の恩師 Jeremy J. Smith 先生のお気に入りの話題の一つに sound symbolism がある.sound symbolism には onomatopoeiaphonaesthesia があり,後者については[2009-11-20-1]で触れた.
 本来,音それ自身は意味をもたないが,ある音や音の連鎖が特定の概念,あるいはより抽象度の高い印象,と結びつくことがある.この結びつきのことを phonaesthesia と呼ぶ.これは言語ごとに異なるが,言語間で共通することも多い.英語では,前舌母音や高母音は「近い,小さい」印象を,後舌母音や低い母音は「遠い,大きい」印象と結びつくことが多い.例えば,遠近の対立は以下のペアにみられる.

meyou (sg.)
weyou (pl.)

 大小の対立については,Pinker (162--63) から説明とともに例を引こう.

When the tongue is high and at the front of the mouth, it makes a small resonant cavity there that amplifies some higher frequencies, and the resulting vowels like ee and i (as in bit) remind people of little things. When the tongue is low and to the back, it makes a large resonant cavity that amplifies some lower frequencies, and the resulting vowels like a in father and o in core and in cot remind people of large things. Thus mice are teeny and squeak, but elephants are humongous and roar. Audio speakers have small tweeters for the high sounds and large woofers for the low ones.

 ・Pinker Steven. The Language Instinct. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. Harper Perennial Modern Classics. 2007.

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