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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2024-01-19

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2024-01-19 Fri

#5380. 類推は言語が変化しないことをも説明できる [analogy][language_change][plural][voicy][heldio]

 Fertig (76) は "Analogical non-change" と題する節のなかで,英語の規則的な複数形を作る -s を題材にして,類推作用 (analogy) の役割について独特な視点から論じている.

. . . stasis over time can be just as interesting a historical phenomenon as change (Janda and Joseph 2003: 83, 86). Although accounts of analogy rarely call attention to the fact, there are a number of examples in the literature where the mechanisms of morphological change are invoked to account for an absence of overt change, i.e. for the survival of an element, construction or distinction. Saussure (1995 [1916]: 236--7) reminds us that analogy2 is just as much responsible for the lack of change in the inflection of most forms that have always belonged to dominant, regular classes as it is for change in other, primarily irregular items. English speakers, for example, form the plural of dozens of nouns such as stone, eel, oath, comb, stool, etc. essentially the same way they were formed in Old English, not because each of these plurals has been transmitted perfectly across all the generations, but rather primarily because analogy2 yields exactly the same results as if the forms had been transmitted perfectly. These nouns all belong to the dominant class that formed their plurals with -as in Old English so even if English speakers never memorize any of them and always rely on analogy2 to recreate them, they continue to come up with the same forms that were used in the past.

 Fertig は,言語の変化のみならず言語の無変化の背景にも関心を寄せる論者である.「#4228. 歴史言語学は「なぜ変化したか」だけでなく「なぜ変化しなかったか」をも問う」 ([2020-11-23-1]) でも,Fertig からの重要な指摘を引用している.言語の無変化にも意義があるという議論については「#2115. 言語維持と言語変化への抵抗」 ([2015-02-10-1]),「#2208. 英語の動詞に未来形の屈折がないのはなぜか?」 ([2015-05-14-1]),「#2220. 中英語の中部・北部方言で語頭摩擦音有声化が起こらなかった理由」 ([2015-05-26-1]),「#2574. 「常に変異があり,常に変化が起こっている」」 ([2016-05-14-1]) も参照されたい.
 今年の Voicy 「英語の語源が身につくラジオ (heldio)」の主題は言語変化 (language) だが,同様に言語無変化も取り上げていきたい.新年の2回の配信回もぜひお聴きください.

 ・ 「#945. なぜ言語は変化するのか?」 (2024/01/01)
 ・ 「#947. なぜ言語は変化しないのか?」 (2024/01/03)

 ・ Fertig, David. Analogy and Morphological Change. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2013.

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