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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2023-05-13

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2023-05-13 Sat

#5129. 進行形に関する「ケルト語仮説」 [celtic][borrowing][syntax][contact][substratum_theory][celtic_hypothesis][progressive][verb][irish_english][aspect]

 「#4595. 強調構文に関する「ケルト語仮説」」 ([2021-11-25-1]) で参照した Filppula and Klemola の論文を再読している.同論文では,英語における be + -ing の「進行形」 (progressive form) の発達(その時期は中英語期とされる)も基層のケルト語の影響によるものではないかという「ケルト語仮説」 (celtic_hypothesis) が唱えられている.
 まず興味深い事実として,現代のケルト圏で行なわれている英語諸変種では,標準英語よりも広範に進行形が用いられるという.具体的には Irish English, Welsh English, Hebridean English, Manx English において,標準的には進行形を取りにくいとされる状態動詞がしばしば進行形で用いられること,動作動詞を進行形にすることにより習慣相が示されること,wouldused (to) に進行形が後続し,習慣的行動が表わされること,dowill に進行形が後続する用法がみられることが報告されている.Filppula and Klemola (212--14) より,それぞれの例文を示そう.

 ・ There was a lot about fairies long ago [...] but I'm thinkin' that most of 'em are vanished.
 ・ I remember my granfather and old people that lived down the road here, they be all walking over to the chapel of a Sunday afternoon and they be going again at night.
 ・ But they, I heard my father and uncle saying they used be dancing there long ago, like, you know.
 ・ Yeah, that's, that's the camp. Military camp they call it [...] They do be shooting there couple of times a week or so.

 これらは現代のケルト変種の英語に見られる進行形の多用という現象を示すものであり,事実として受け入れられる.しかし,ケルト語仮説の要点は,中英語における進行形の発達そのものが基層のケルト語の影響によるものだということだ.前者と後者は注目している時代も側面も異なっていることに注意したい.それでも,Filppula and Klemola (218--19) は,次の5つの論点を挙げながら,ケルト語仮説を支持する(引用中の PF は "progressive forms" を指す).

(i) Of all the suggested parallels to the English PF, the Celtic (Brythonic) ones are clearly the closest, and hence, the most plausible ones, whether one think of the OE periphrastic constructions or those established in the ME and modern periods, involving the -ing form of verbs. This fact has not been given due weight in some of the earlier work on this subject.
(ii) The chronological precedence of the Celtic constructions is beyond any reasonable doubt, which also enhances the probability of contact influence from Celtic on English.
(iii) The socio-historical circumstances of the Celtic-English interface cannot have constituted an obstacle to Celtic substratum influences in the area of grammar, as has traditionally been argued especially on the basis of the research (and some of the earlier, too) has shown that the language shift situation in the centuries following the settlement of the Germanic tribes in Britain was most conductive to such influences. Again, this aspect has been ignored or not properly understood in some of the research which has tried to play down the role of Celtic influence in the history of English.
(iv) The Celtic-English contacts in the modern period have resulted in a similar tendency for some regional varieties of English to make extensive use of the PF, which lends indirect support to the Celtic hypothesis with regard to early English.
(v) Continuous tenses tend to be used more in bilingual or formerly Celtic-speaking areas than in other parts of the country . . . .


 ・ Filppula, Markku and Juhani Klemola. "English in Contact: Celtic and Celtic Englishes." Chapter 107 of English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook. 2 vols. Ed. Alexander Bergs and Laurel J. Brinton. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012. 1687--1703.

Referrer (Inside): [2023-05-23-1]

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