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2022-06-21 Tue

#4803. 「英語」「英語複合体」「諸英語」 [terminology][world_englishes][elf][variety][model_of_englishes]

 世界英語の問題と関連して,Rubdy and Saraceni が Tom McArthur にインタビューした記事を読んだ.2006年の議論なので,今となっては古いといえば古いと思われるかもしれないが,McArthur の問題意識は予言的な鋭さをもっており,現代の英語論においても十分に参考になる.
 ポイントは,英語という言語の対象を (1) 「英語」 (the English language),(2) 「英語複合体」 ('the English language complex'),(3) 「諸英語」 ('the Englishes', 'the English languages') の3つの層で考えるのがよいのではないかという提案だ.Rubdy and Saraceni (29) から,インタビューの問答を聞いてみよう.

Q9 In some countries of Asia and Africa, English has become 'nativized' and begun to be considered an Asian or African language, and not one that is owned exclusively by any one speech community. For this reason some sociolinguists are of the view that it may be more realistic to recognize a plurality of standards. Given this view, if 'the English language' needs to be pluralized into 'the English languages', what does ELT stand for?

A9 I'm glad you raised this one. It fits my own observations over many years, as summed up in The English Languages (Cambridge, 1998). English is such an immense language that for me it has been essential to have at least three models. First there is English as a 'conventional' language ('the English language'), useful on a day-to-day basis but for me only the starting point for the second model ('the English language complex'), which has many varyingly distinct subentities, and finally to the third model of English as a continuum of recognizably distinct languages ('the Englishes', 'the English languages'), dominated by the educated standards of various countries that provide basis (particularly through the norms of the US and UK) of a 'World Standard English'. Most learners have no interest in all of this. If, as I hope, they are lucky, they will learn an English appropriate to their needs and situation, and expand (perhaps creatively) as and when they feel the need.

 私は,大学の通常の英語の授業で教えるときには (1) を念頭に置いている.しかし,英語史・英語学の授業ではもう少し英語変種の細分化の意識が高くなり,その全体を (2) としてとらえていることが多いと思う.一方,意識的に「世界英語」を論じる専門的な文脈では,当然ながら (3) の捉え方を前提とすることになる.
 これらは分析の粒度こそ互いに大きく異なるにもかかわらず,いずれもラフに「英語」や English として言及されがちなのもまた常なのである.だから英語を論じるのは難しいのだ.
 McArthur の英語観については,hellog でも「#427. 英語話者の泡ぶくモデル」 ([2010-06-28-1]),「#4501. 世界の英語変種の整理法 --- McArthur の "Hub-and-Spokes" モデル」 ([2021-08-23-1]) で取り上げてきた.そちらも要参照.

 ・ Rubdy, Rani, and Mario Saraceni. "An Interview with Tom McArthur." English in the World: Global Rules, Global Roles. Ed. Rani Rubdy and Mario Saraceni. London: Continuum, 2006. 21--31.
 ・ McArthur, Tom. "The English Languages?" English Today 11 (1987): 9--11.
 ・ McArthur, Tom. "English in Tiers." English Today 23 (1990): 15--20.
 ・ McArthur, Tom. "Models of English." English Today 32 (1991): 12--21.
 ・ McArthur, Tom, ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: OUP, 1992.
 ・ McArthur, Tom. The English Languages. Cambridge: CUP, 1998. 94.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-07-01-1]

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