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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2022-06-19

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2022-06-19 Sun

#4801. タブーの源泉 [taboo][sociolinguistics][anthropology]

 言語的タブーの現象には多大な関心を寄せている.hellog でも taboo とタグ付けした多くの記事で取り上げてきた(とりわけ「#4041. 「言語におけるタブー」の記事セット」 ([2020-05-20-1]) を参照).タブーとは何か,なぜ人間社会にはタブーが生じるのか,謎が多く興味が尽きない.Allan and Burridge (1) が,言語的タブーに関する著書の冒頭で,タブーの範疇や源泉について次のように概説している.

Taboo is a proscription of behaviour that affects everyday life. Taboos that we consider in the course of the book include

・ bodies and their effluvia (sweat, snot, faeces, menstrual fluid, etc.);
・ the organs and acts of sex, micturition, and defecation;
・ diseases, death and killing (including hunting and fishing);
・ naming, addressing, touching and viewing persons and sacred beings, objects and places;
・ food gathering, preparation and consumption

   Taboos arise out of social constraints on the individual's behaviour where it can cause discomfort, harm or injury. People are at metaphysical risk when dealing with sacred persons, objects and places; they are at physical risk from powerful earthly persons, dangerous creatures and disease. A person's soul or bodily effluvia may put him/her at metaphysical, moral or physical risk, and may contaminate others; a social act may breach constraints on polite behaviour. Infractions of taboos can lead to illness or death, as well as to the lesser penalties of corporal punishment, incarceration, social ostracism or mere disapproval. Even an unintended contravention of taboo risks condemnation and censure; generally, people can and do avoid tabooed behaviour unless they intend to violate a taboo.


 ・ Allan, Keith and Kate Burridge. Forbidden Words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge: CUP, 2006.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-06-20-1]

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