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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2020-03-06

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2020-03-06 Fri

#3966. 英語統語論の主要な歴史的変化の一覧 [syntax][language_change][word_order][timeline]

 Fischer et al. (4--6) に英語統語論の主要な歴史的変化の一覧表がある.参照用に便利なので,"Overview of syntactic categories and their changes" と題されたこの一覧を再現しておきたい.左欄を縦に眺めるだけでも,英語歴史統語論にどのような話題があり得るのかがつかめる.

Changes in:Old EnglishMiddle EnglishModern English
case form and function:genitivevarious functionsgenitive case for subjective/poss.; of-phrase elsewheresame
dativevarious functions/PP sporadicincrease in to-phrase; impersonal dative lostsame
accusativemain function: direct objectaccusative case lost, direct object mainly marked by positionsame
determiners:systemarticles present in embryo form, system developingarticles used for presentational and referential functionsalso in use in predicative and generic contexts
double det.presentrareabsent
quantifiers:position ofrelatively freemore restrictedfairly fixed
adjectives:positionboth pre- and postnominalmainly prenominalprenominal with some lexical exceptions
form/functionstrong/weak forms, functionally distinctremnants of strong/weak forms; not functionalone form only
as headfully operativereduced; introduction of onerestricted to generic reference/idiomatic
'stacking' ofnot possiblepossiblepossible
adjectival or relative clauserelative: se, se þe, þe, zero subject rel.new: þæt, wh-relative (except who), zero obj. rel.who relative introduced
adj. + to-inf.only active infinitivesactive and passive inf.mainly active inf.
aspect-system:use of perfectembryonicmore frequent; in competition with 'past'perfect and 'past' grammaticalized in different functions
form of perfectBE/HAVE (past part. sometimes declined)BE/HAVE; HAVE becomes more frequentmainly HAVE
use and form of progressiveBE + -ende; function not clearBE + -ing, infrequent, more aspectualfrequent, grammaticalizing
tense-system:'present'used for present tense, progressive, futureused for present tense and progr.; (future tense develops)becomes restricted to 'timeless' and 'reporting' uses
'past'used for past tense, (plu)perfect, past progr.still used also for past progr. and perfect; new: modal pastrestricted in function by grammaticalization of perfect and progr.
mood-system:expressed bysubjunctive, modal verbs (+ epistemic advbs)mainly modal verbs (+ develop. quasi-modals); modal past tense verbs (with exception features)same + development of new modal expressions
category of core modalsverbs (with exception features)verbs (with exception features)auxiliaries (with verbal features)
voice-system:passive formbeon/weorðan + (inflected) past part.BE + uninfl. past partsame; new GET passive
indirect pass.absentdeveloping(fully) present
prep. pass.absentdeveloping(fully) present
pass. infin.only after modal verbsafter full verbs, with some nouns and adject.same
negative systemne + verb (+ other negator)(ne) + verb + not; rare not + verbAux + not + verb; (verb + not)
interrog. systeminversion: VSinversion: VSAux SV
DO as operatorabsentinfrequent, not grammaticalizedbecoming fully grammaticalized
subject:position filledsome pro-drop possible; dummy subjects not compulsorypro-drop rare; dummy subjects become the normpro-drop highly marked stylistically; dummy subj. obligat.
clausesabsentthat-clauses and infinitival clausesnew: for NP to V clauses
subjectless/impersonal constructionscommonsubject position becomes obligatorily filledextinct (some lexicalized express.)
position with respect to Vboth S (...) V and VSS (...) V; VS becomes restricted to yes/no quest.only S (adv) V; VS > Aux SV
object:clausesmainly finite þæt-cl., also zero/to-infinitivestark increase in infinitival cl.introduction of a.c.i. and for NP to V cl.
position with respect to VVO and OVVO; OV becomes restrictedVO everywhere
position IO-DOboth orders; pronominal IO-DO preferrednominal IO-DO the norm, introduction of DO for/to IOIO-DO with full NPs; pronominal DO-IO predominates
clitic pronounssyntactic cliticsclitics disappearingclitics absent
adverbs:positionfairly freemore restrictedfurther restricted
clausesuse of correlatives + different word ordersdistinct conjunctions; word order mainly SVOall word order SVO (exc. some conditional clauses)
phrasal verbsposition particle: both pre- and postverbalgreat increase; position: postverbalsame
preposition strandingonly with pronouns (incl. R-pronouns: þær, etc.) and relative þeno longer with pronouns, but new with prep. passives, interrog., and other relative clausesno longer after R-pronouns (there, etc.) except in fixed expressions

 ・ Fischer, Olga, Hendrik De Smet, and Wim van der Wurff. A Brief History of English Syntax. Cambridge: CUP, 2017.

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