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「#3790. 650年以前のラテン借用語の一覧」 ([2019-09-12-1]) に続き,今回は反対の650年「以後」のラテン借用語を,Durkin (116--19) より列挙しよう.ただし,こちらは先の一覧と異なり網羅的ではない.あくまで一部を示すものなので注意.
650年以前と以後の借用語の傾向について比較すると,後者は学問・宗教と結びつけられる語彙が目立つことがわかるだろう.「#3787. 650年辺りを境とする,その前後のラテン借用語の特質」 ([2019-09-09-1]) も参照.
[ Religion and the Church ]
・ acolitus 'acolyte' [L acoluthus, acolitus]
・ altare, alter 'altar' [L altare]
・ apostrata 'apostate' [L apostata]
・ apostol 'apostle' [L apostrolus]
・ canon 'canon, rule of the Church; canon, cleric living under a canonical rule' [L canon]
・ capitol 'chapter, section; chapter, assembly' [L capitulum]
・ clauster 'monastic cell, cloister, monastery' [L claustrum]
・ cleric, also '(earlier) clīroc 'clerk, clergyman' [L clericus]
・ crēda, crēdo 'creed' [L credo]
・ crisma 'holy oil, chrism; white cloth or garment of the newly baptized; chrismatory or pyx' [L chrisma]
・ crismal 'chrism cloth' [L chrismalis]
・ crūc 'cross' [L cruc-, crux]
・ culpa 'fault, sin' [L culpa]
・ decan 'person who supervises a group of (originally) ten monks or nuns, a dean' [L decanus]
・ dēmōn 'devil, demon' [L aemon]
・ dīacon 'deacon' [L diaconus]
・ discipul 'disciple; follower; pupil' [L discipulus]
・ eretic 'heretic' [L haereticus]
・ graþul 'gradual (antiphon sung between the Epistle and the Gospel at Mass)' [L graduale]
・ īdol 'idol' [L idolum]
・ lētanīa 'litany' [L letania]
・ martir, martyr 'martyr' [L martyr]
・ noctern 'nocturn, night office' [L nocturna]
・ nōn 'ninth hour (approximately 3 p.m.); office said at this time' [L nona (hora)]
・ organ 'canticle, song, melody; musical instrument, especially a wind instrument'
・ orgel- (in orgeldrēam 'instrumental music') [L organum]
・ pāpa 'pope' [L papa]
・ paradīs 'paradise, Garden of Eden, heaven' [L paradisus]
・ passion 'story of the Passion of Christ' [L passion-, passio]
・ prīm 'early morning office of the Church' [L prima]
・ prior 'superior office of a religious house or order, prior' [L prior]
・ sabat 'sabbath' [L sabbata]
・ sācerd 'priest; priestess' [L sacerdos]
・ salm, psalm, sealm 'psalm, sacred song' [L psalma]
・ saltere, sealtere 'psalter, also type of stringed instrument' [L psalterium]
・ sanct 'holy person, saint' [L sanctus]
・ stōl, stōle 'long outer garment; ecclesiastical vestment' [L stola]
・ tempel 'temple' [L templum]
[ Learning and scholarship ]
・ accent 'diacritic mark' [L accentus]
・ bærbære 'barbarous, foreign' [L barbarus]
・ biblioþēce, bibliþēca 'library' [L bibliotheca]
・ cālend 'first day of the month; (in poetry) month' [L calendae]
・ cærte, carte '(leaf or sheet of) vellum; piece of writing, document, charter' [L charta, carta]
・ centaur 'centaur' [L centaurus]
・ circul 'circle, cycle' [L circulums]
・ comēta 'comet' [L cometa]
・ coorte, coorta 'cohort' [L cohort-, cohors]
・ cranic 'chronicle' [L chronicon or chronica]
・ cristalla, cristallum 'crystal; ice' [L crystallum]
・ epistol, epistola, pistol 'letter' [L epistola, epistula]
・ fers, uers 'verse, line of poetry, passage, versicle' [L versus]
・ gīgant 'giant' [L gigant- gigas]
・ grād 'step; degree' [L gradus]
・ grammatic-cræft 'grammar' [L grammatica]
・ legie 'legion' [L legio]
・ meter 'metre' [L metrum]
・ nōt 'note, mark' [L nota]
・ nōtere 'scribe, writer' [L notarius]
・ part 'part (of speech)' [L part-, pars]
・ philosoph 'philosopher' [L philosophus]
・ punct 'quarter of an hour' [L punctum]
・ tītul 'title, superscription' [L titulus]
・ þēater 'theatre' [L theatrum]
[ Plants, fruit, and products of plants ]
・ alwe 'aloe' [L aloe]
・ balsam, balzam 'balsam, balm' [L balsamum]
・ berbēne 'vervain, verbena' [L verbena]
・ cāl, cāul, cāwel (or cawel) 'cabbage' [L caulis]
・ calcatrippe 'caltrops, or another thorny or spiky plant' [L calcatrippa]
・ ceder 'cedar' [L cedrus]
・ coliandre, coriandre 'coriander' [L coliandrum, coriandrum]
・ cucumer 'cucumber' [L cucumer-, cucumis]
・ cypressus 'cypress' [L cypressus]
・ fēferfuge (or feferfuge), fēferfugie (or feferfugie) 'feverfew' [L febrifugia, with substitution of Old English fēfer or fefer for the first element]
・ laur, lāwer 'laurel, bay, laver' [L laurus]
・ lilie 'lily' [L lilium]
・ mōr- (in mōrberie, mōrbēam) 'mulberry' [L morus]
・ murre 'myrrh' [L murra, murrha, mytrrha]
・ nard 'spikenard (name of a plant and of ointment made from it)' [L nardus]
・ palm, palma, pælm 'palm (tree)' [L palma]
・ peonie 'peony' [L paeonia]
・ peruince, perfince 'periwinkle' [L pervinca]
・ petersilie 'parsley' [L ptetrosilenum, petrosilium, petresilium]
・ polente (or perhaps polenta) 'parched corn' [L polenta]
・ pyretre 'pellitory' (a plant) [L pyrethrum]
・ rōse (or rose) 'rose' [L rosa]
・ rōsmarīm, rōsmarīnum 'rosemary' [L rosmarinum]
・ safine 'savine (type of plant)' [L sabina]
・ salfie, sealfie 'sage' [L salvia]
・ spīce, spīca 'aromatic herb, spice, spikenard' [L spica]
・ stōr 'incense, frankincense' [probably L storax]
・ sycomer 'sycamore' [L sycomorus]
・ ysope 'hyssop' [L hyssopus]
[ Animals ]
・ aspide 'asp, viper' [L aspid-, aspis]
・ basilisca 'basilisk' [L basiliscus]
・ camel, camell 'camel' [L camelus]
・ *delfīn 'dolphin' [L delfin]
・ fenix 'phoenic; (in one example) kind of tree' [L phoenix]
・ lēo 'lion' [L leo]
・ lopust 'locust' [L locusta]
・ loppestre, lopystre 'lobster' [probably L locusta]
・ pndher 'panther' [L panther]
・ pard 'panther, leopard' [L pardus]
・ pellican 'name of a bird of the wilderness' [L pellicanus]
・ tiger 'tiger' [L tigris]
・ ultur 'vulture' [L vultur]
[ Medicine ]
・ ātrum, atrum, attrum 'black vitriol; atrament; blackness' [L atramentum]
・ cancer 'ulcerous sore' [L cancer]
・ flanc 'flank' [L *flancum]
・ mamme 'teat' [L mamma]
・ pigment 'drug' [L pigmentum]
・ plaster 'plaster (medical dressing), plaster (building material)' [L plastrum, emplastrum]
・ sċrofell 'scrofula' [L scrofula]
・ tyriaca 'antidote to poison' [L tiriaca, theriaca]
[ Tools and implements ]
・ pāl 'stake, stave, post, pole; spade' [L palus]
・ (perhaps) paper '(probably) wick' [L papirus, papyrus]
・ pīc 'spike, pick, pike' [perhals L *pic-]
・ press 'press (specifically clothes-press)' [L pressa or French presse]
[ Building and construction; settlements ]
・ castel, cæstel 'village, small town; (in late manuscripts) castle' [L castellum]
・ foss 'ditch' [L fossa]
・ marman-, marmel- (in marmanstān, marmelstān 'marble' [L marmor]
[ Receptacles ]
・ purs, burse 'purse' [L bursa]
[ Money; units of measurement ]
・ cubit 'cubit, measure of length' [L cubitum]
・ mancus 'a money of account equivalent to thirty pence, a weight equivalent to thirty pence' [L mancus]
・ talente 'talent (as unit of weight or of money)' [L talentum]
[ Clothing ]
・ cæppe, also (in cantel-cāp 'cloak worn by a cantor') cāp 'cloak, hood, cap' (with uncertain relationship to cōp in the same meaning) [L cappa]
・ tuniċe, tuneċe 'undergarment, tunic, coat, toga' [L tunica]
[ Roles, ranks, and occupations (non-religious or not specifically religious) ]
・ centur, centurio, centurius 'centurion' [L centurion-, centurio]
・ cōc 'cook' [L *cocus, coquus]
・ consul 'consul' [L consul]
・ fiþela 'fiddler' (also fiþelere 'fiddler', fiþelestre '(female) fiddler') [probably L vitula]
[ Warfare ]
・ mīlite 'soldiers' [L milites, plural of miles]
[ Verbs ]
・ acordan 'to reconcile' [perhaps L accordare, although more likely a post-Conquest borrowing from French]
・ acūsan 'to accuse (someone)' [L accusare]
・ ġebrēfan 'to set down briefly in writing' [L breviare]
・ dēclīnian 'to decline or inflect' [L declinare]
・ offrian 'to offer, sacrifice' [L offerre]
・ *platian 'to make or beat into thin plates' (implied by platung 'metal plate' and ġeplatod and aplatod 'beaten into thin plates') [L plata, noun]
・ predician 'to preach' [L predicare, praedicare]
・ prōfian 'to assume to be, to take for' [L probare]
・ rabbian 'to rage' [L rabiare]
・ salletan 'to sing psalms, to play on the harp' [L psallere]
・ sċrūtnian, sċrūdnian 'to examine' [L scrutinare]
・ *spendan 'to spend' (recorded in Old English only in the derivatives spendung, aspendan, forspendan) [L expendere]
・ studdian 'to look after, be careful for' [L studere]
・ temprian 'to modify; to cure, heal; to control' [L temperare]
・ tonian 'to thunder' [L tonare]
[ Adjectives ]
・ fals 'false' [L falsus]
・ mechanisċ 'mechanical' [L mechanicus]
[ Miscellaneous ]
・ fals 'fraud, trickery' [L falsum]
・ rocc (only in stānrocc) 'cliff or crag' [L rocca]
・ sott 'fool', also adjective 'foolish' [L sottus]
・ tabele, tabul, tabule 'tablet, board; writing tablet; gaming table' [L tabula]
・ Durkin, Philip. Borrowed Words: A History of Loanwords in English. Oxford: OUP, 2014.
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