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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2016-11-19

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2016-11-19 Sat

#2763. 中英語からの過去形と現在完了形の並列の例 (2) [perfect][preterite][aspect][tense][present_perfect_puzzle][prosody][poetic_license][rhyme]

 「#2750. "Present Perfect Puzzle" --- 中英語からの過去形と現在完了形の並列の例」 ([2016-11-06-1]) に引き続いての話題.Visser は,中英語における過去形と現在完了形の並列について,フランス語などからの影響もありうるとは述べているものの,主たる理由は詩的許容 (poetic_license) にあると考えている.というのは,両者の並列や交替が脚韻 (rhyme) や韻律 (metre) に動機づけられているとおぼしき例が,実際に少なくないからだ.脚韻の動機づけが感じられる例として,Visser (713) の挙げているものの中からいくつかを抜き出してみる.

 ・ c1386 Chaucer, C. T. H264: His bowe he bente, and sette ther-inne a flo, / And in his ire his wyf thanne hath he slayn, - / This is theffect, ther is namoore to sayn.
 ・ c1390 Gower Conf. Am. (ed. Morley) V p. 245: Wherof this lord hath hede nome / And did hem bothe for to come.
 ・ c1390 Gower Conf. Am. (ed. Morley) V p. 277: whan it came unto the grounde, / A great serpent it hath bewounde.
 ・ c1400 Syr Tryamowre (ed. Erdman Schmidt) 1030: The messengere ys come and gone. / But tydyngys of Tryamowre herde he none.

 同様に,韻律によると考えられる例のいくつかを Visser (717--18) より示す.

 ・ c1250 Floris & Bl. 985: Clarice, joie hire mot bitide, / Aros up in þe moreȝentide, / And haþ cleped Blauncheflur.
 ・ c1386 Chaucer, C. T. B628: This gentil kyng hath caught a greet motyf / Of this witnesse, and thoghte he wolde enquere / Depper in this.
 ・ c1386 Chaucer, C. T. H203: And so befel, whan Phebus was absent, / His wyf anon hath for hir lemman sent.
 ・ c1390 Gower, C. A. (ed. Morley) p. 277: And he, which understood his tale, / Betwene him and his asse all softe / Hath drawe and set him up a lofte.


 ・ Visser, F. Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. 3 vols. Leiden: Brill, 1963--1973.

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