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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2013-09-21

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2013-09-21 Sat

#1608. multilingualism は世界の常態である (2) [bilingualism][japanese][world_languages][sign_language][language_or_dialect]

 [2013-05-30-1]の記事の続編.多言語使用が世界の常態であるという事実について,Crystal (409--10) に言及を見つけたので,追加したい.

[M]ultilingualism is the normal human condition. It is a principle which often takes people by surprise. If you have lived your whole life in a monolingual environment, you could easily come to believe that this is the regular way of life around the world, and that people who speak more than one language are the exceptions. Exactly the reverse is the case.
   Speaking two or more languages is the natural way of life for three-quarters of the human race. There are no official statistics, but with over 6,000 languages co-existing in fewer than 200 countries . . . it is obvious that an enormous amount of language contact must be taking place; and the inevitable result of languages in contact is multilingualism, which is most commonly found in an individual speaker as bilingualism.
      There is no such thing as a totally monolingual country. Even in countries that have a single language used by the majority of the population, such as Britain, the USA, France, and Japan, there exist sizeable groups that use other languages. In the USA, around 10% of the population regularly speak a language other than English. In Britain, over 350 minority languages are in routine use. In Japan, one of the most monolingual of countries, there are substantial groups of Chinese and Korean speakers. In Ghana, Nigeria, and many other African countries that have a single official language, as many as 90% of the population may be regularly using more than one language. (409--10)

 日本の多言語使用状況については,EthnologueJapan を参照されたい.

 ・ Crystal, David. How Language Works. London: Penguin, 2005.

Referrer (Inside): [2016-01-08-1] [2014-11-12-1]

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