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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2017-10-15

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2017-10-15 Sun

#3093. 早口言葉と tongue twisters [word_play][pronunciation]

 たまに授業で実践している,遊びを兼ねた発声・発音練習のためのネタ.日本語の「早口言葉」と英語の "tongue twisters" .それなりに有名なものを集めてある.英語でよく知られた tongue twisters は,Mother Goose の伝承童謡集を出典とするものが多い.印刷用にこちらのPDF版もどうぞ.私も特に滑舌のよいほうではありませんが,日々練習しているとそれなりに上手くなるものです.

[ 早口言葉 ]










[ Tongue Twisters ]

 A glowing gleam growing green.

 If Sue chews shoes, Sue should choose the shoes she chews.

 A wicked cricket critic cricked his neck at a critical cricket match.

 Swan swam over the sea;
 Swim, swam, swim.
 Swan swam back again.
 Well swum swan!

 She sells sea-shells on the sea shore;
 The shells that she sells are sea-shells I'm sure.
 So if she sells sea-shells on the sea shore,
 I'm sure that the shells are sea-shore shells.

 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper;
 A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;
 If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
 Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

 The Leith police dismisseth us,
 I'm thankful, sir, to say;
 The Leith police dismisseth us,
 They thought we sought to stay.
 The Leith police dismisseth us,
 We both sighed sighs apiece,
 And the sigh that we sighed as we said goodbye
 Was the size of the Leith police.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-08-23-1]

[ 固定リンク | 印刷用ページ ]

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