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2017-03-07 Tue

#2871. 古英語期のスライド年表 [timeline][web_service][oe][anglo-saxon]

 「#2358. スライドできる英語史年表」 ([2015-10-11-1]) にならい,Mitchell (361--64) の古英語期の年表をスライド化してみました.以下の画像をクリックしてご覧ください.スライド年表では,出来事のジャンル別に Lay = 緑,Religious = 赤,Literary = 青で色分けしています.

HEL Timeline for OE by Mitchell


449Traditional date of coming of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. The legend of Arthur may rest on a British leader who resisted the invaders.
c. 547  Gildas writes De excidio Britanniæ.
560--616Æthelbert King of Kent.  
c. 563 St Columba brings Celtic Christianity to Iona. 
597 St Augustine brings Roman Christianity to Kent. 
616--632Edwin King of Northumbria.  
c. 625Earliest possible date for Sutton Hoo ship-burial.  
627 Edwin converted to Christianity. 
632Edwin killed by heathen King Penda of Mercia.  
635 Aidan settles in Lindisfarne, bringing Celtic Christianity. 
635 King Cynegils of Wessex converted. 
641Oswald King of Northumbria killed by Penda.  
654Penda killed by Oswy King of Northumbria.  
664 Synod of Whitby establishes supremacy of Roman Christianity. 
664 St Chad becomes bishop. 
657--680 Hild Abbess of Whitby.Cædmon uses Germanic alliterative verse for religious subjects during this period.
c. 678 English missions to the continent begin. 
680  Approximate earliest date for composition of Beowulf.
c. 700  Date of first linguistic records.
709 Death of Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne. 
731  Bede completes Historia gentis Anglorum ecclesiastica.
735 Death of Bede. 
c. 735Birth of Alcuin.  
757--796Offa King of Mercia.  
782 Alcuin settles at Charlemagne's court. 
793Viking raids begin.Sacking of Lindisfarne. 
fl. 796  Nennius, author or reviser of Historia Britonum.
800Four great kingdoms remain --- Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Wessex.  
780--850  Cynewulf probably flourishes some time in this period.
804 Death of Alcuin. 
851Danes' first winter in England.  
865Great Danish Army lands in East Anglia.  
867Battle of York. End of Northumbria as a political power.  
870King Edmund of East Anglia killed by Danes. East Anglia overrun.  
871Alfred becomes King of Wessex.  
874Danes settle in Yorkshire.  
877Danes settle in East Mercia.  
880Guthrum and his men settle in East Anglia. Only Wessex remains of the four Kingdoms.  
?886Boundaries of Danelaw agreed with Guthrum. Alfred occupies London. The period of the Alfredian translations and the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
892Further Danish invasion.  
896Alfred builds a fleet.  
899Death of King Alfred.  
899--954The creation of the English Kingdom.  
c. 909 Birth of Dunstan. 
937Battle of Brunanburh. Poem commemorates the battle.
954The extinction of the Scandinavian kingdom of York.  
959--975Edgar reigns.  
960 Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury. The period of the Monastic Revival. 
c. 971  The Blickling Homilies.
978 or 979Murder of King Edward.  
950--1000  Approximate dates of the poetry codices --- Junius MS, Vercelli Book, Exeter Book, and Beowulf MS.
978--1016Ethelred reigns.  
988 Death of Dunstan. 
991Battle of Maldon. Poem commemorates the battle.
990--992  Ælfric's Catholic Homilies.
993--998  Ælfric's Lives of the Saints.
1003--1023 Wulfstan Archbishop of York. 
c. 1014  Sermo Lupi ad Anglos.
1005--c. 1012 Ælfric Abbot of Eynsham. 
1013Sweyn acknowledged as King of England.  
1014Sweyn dies.  
1016Edmund Ironside dies.  
1016--1042Canute and his sons reign.  
1042--1066Edward the Confessor.  
1066Harold King. Battle of Stamford Bridge. Battle of Hastings. William I king.  

 ・ Mitchell, Bruce. An Invitation to Old English and Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.

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