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2014-12-07 Sun

#2050. Knowles の英語史概説書の目次 [historiography][hel_education][toc]

 「#2007. Gramley の英語史概説書の目次」 ([2014-10-25-1]),「#2038. Fennell の英語史概説書の目次」 ([2014-11-25-1]) に続き,社会言語学的な観点を多分に含んだもう1つの読みやすい英語史書,Gerry Knowles 著 A Cultural History of the English Language の目次を掲げる.歴史社会言語学的な立場からの英語史概説書を紹介する機会が多いが,個人的には今や古典といってよい,筋金入りの構造主義路線をいく Strang や特異な言語史観をもつ Görlach なども本当は好きである.それでも個別言語史は話者(集団)の歴史,いわゆる外面史とともに記述するのが原則だろうとは思っている.
 Knowles の章節のタイトルを見ていくと,Jespersen の Growth and Structure of the English Language を彷彿させるところがある.社会史としての英語史の流れが簡潔にとらえられる目次だ.Knowles に言及した過去の記事も参照されたい.

1 Introduction
   1.1 An outline history
   1.2 Language and social change
   1.3 Language, evolution and progress
   1.4 Language and myth
   1.5 Language superiority
2 The origins of the English language
   2.1 The linguistic geography of Europe
   2.2 Language in Britain
   2.3 Early English
   2.4 The survival of Celtic
   2.5 The British people
3 English and Danish
   3.1 Old English and Old Norse
   3.2 Norse immigration
   3.3 The Anglo-Saxon written tradition
   3.4 English in the Danelaw
   3.5 Norse influence on English
4 English and French
   4.1 England and France
   4.2 Literacy in the medieval period
   4.3 The reemergence of English
   4.4 English under French influence
   4.5 Printing
5 English and Latin
   5.1 The Lollards
   5.2 Classical scholarship
   5.3 Scholarly writing in English
   5.4 The English Bible
   5.5 The legacy of Latin
6 The language of England
   6.1 Saxon English
   6.2 The language arts
   6.3 English spelling and pronunciation
   6.4 The study of words
   6.5 Elizabethan English
7 The language of revolution
   7.1 The Norman yoke
   7.2 The Bible and literacy
   7.3 Language, ideology and the Bible
   7.4 The intellectual revolution
   7.5 The linguistic outcome of the English revolution
8 The language of learned and polite persons
   8.1 Language and science
   8.2 The improving language
   8.3 The uniform standard
   8.4 A controlled language
   8.5 A bourgeois language
9 The language of Great Britain
   9.1 The codification of Standard English
   9.2 London and the provinces
   9.3 English beyond England
   9.4 English pronunciation
   9.5 Change in Standard English
10 The language of empire
   10.1 The international spread of English
   10.2 The illustrious past
   10.3 Working-class English
   10.4 The standard of English pronunciation
   10.5 Good English
11 Conclusion
   11.1 The aftermath of empire
   11.2 English in the media
   11.3 Speech and language technology
   11.4 The information superhighway
   11.5 English in the future

 ・ Knowles, Gerry. A Cultural History of the English Language. London: Arnold, 1997.
 ・ Strang, Barbara M. H. A History of English. London: Methuen, 1970.
 ・ Görlach, Manfred. The Linguistic History of English. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.
 ・ Jespersen, Otto. Growth and Structure of the English Language. 10th ed. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1982.

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