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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2014-12-24

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2014-12-24 Wed

#2067. Weinreich による言語干渉の決定要因 [contact][borrowing][loan_word][causation]


 ・ 「#430. 言語変化を阻害する要因」 ([2010-07-01-1])
 ・ 「#902. 借用されやすい言語項目」 ([2011-10-16-1])
 ・ 「#903. 借用の多い言語と少ない言語」 ([2011-10-17-1])
 ・ 「#934. 借用の多い言語と少ない言語 (2)」 ([2011-11-17-1])
 ・ 「#1779. 言語接触の程度と種類を予測する指標」 ([2014-03-11-1])
 ・ 「#1780. 言語接触と借用の尺度」 ([2014-03-12-1])
 ・ 「#1781. 言語接触の類型論」 ([2014-03-13-1])
 ・ 「#1989. 機能的な観点からみる借用の尺度」 ([2014-10-07-1])
 ・ 「#2011. Moravcsik による借用の制約」 ([2014-10-29-1])
 ・ 「#2064. 言語と文化の借用尺度 (1)」 ([2014-12-21-1])
 ・ 「#2065. 言語と文化の借用尺度 (2)」 ([2014-12-22-1])

 今回は,言語干渉を促進する・阻害する構造的・非構造的要因を一覧にしてまとめた Weinreich (64--65) による表を掲げよう.PDF版はこちら.これを眺めながら,言語変化一般と同様に言語干渉による変化も,言語内的・外的の両要因によって条件付けられている可能性が常にあることを再認識したい.関連して「#1986. 言語変化の multiple causation あるいは "synergy"」 ([2014-10-04-1]) 及び multiple causation の各記事も参照されたい.

All interference Any points of difference between two systemsStability of systems; requirements of intelligibilitySocial value of source (model, primary) language; bilingual interlocutors; affective speech; individual propensity for speech mixture; etc.Social value of recipient language; intolerance of interference; puristic attitudes toward recipient (secondary) language; loyalty to mother-tongue; unilingual interlocutors; etc.
   Under-differentiation of phonemes/d/ and /t/ not differentiatedAbsence of corresponding distinctions in primary languageFunctional yield of the distinction---Loyalty to secondary language
   Over-differentiation of phonemes[k] and [kh] treated as separate phonemesPresence of distinction (only) in primary language---------
   Reinterpretation of relevant featuresVoiceless /p/ treated as phonemically tense and only concomitantly voicelessDifferent phonemic systemsExistence of appropriate holes in the pattern------
   Phone substitution[r] for [R] where there is only one trill phonemeDifferent pronunciations equivalent phonemesDanger of confusion with another phonemeSocial value of primary languageLoyalty to secondary language
   Integration of loanwordsEnglish /rajs/ into Hawaiian /lɑiki/Difference in phonemic systems; homogeneous but different type of word structure in recipient languagePotential homonymy (?)Intolerance of recognizable loanwords; unilingualism of speakerSocial value of source language
   Transfer of morphemesSlovak-German in Pressburg-u; Yiddish-English job-shmobCongruent systems, much common vocabulary, relatively unbound morphemes, greater phonemic bulkNon-congruent systems; complicated functions of morphemesAffectiveness of categoriesLoyalty to recipient language
   Transfer of grammatical relationsGerman-English I come soon homeDifferent relation patternsConflict with existing relationsAffectiveness of categoriesLoyalty to recipient language
   Change in function of "indigenous" morpheme or categoryGerman-English how long are you here?Greater explicitness of model (usually)------Loyalty to recipient language
   Abandonment of obligatory categoriesLoss of old French tense system in CreoleVery different grammatical systems---Makeshift languageLoyalty to recipient language
   Integration of loanwordsEnglish change into Amer. Portuguese chinjarHomogeneous word structure in recipient language---Intolerance of recognizable loanwords; unilingualism of speakerSocial value of source language
   Lexical interference as such---Structural weak points in recipient vocabulary, need to match differentiations in source languageExistence of adequate vocabularyLexical inadequacy in face of innovations; oblivion of infrequent words, need for synonyms, prestige of source language, stylistic effect of mixtureLoyalty to recipient language
   Outright transfer of words (rather than semantic extension)German Telephon rather than FernsprecherCongenial form of word; possibility of polysemy (?)Potential homonymy (?); uncongenial word formBilingualism of interlocutorsLoyalty to recipient language
   Phonic adjustment of cognatesSpanish /euˈropa/ into /juˈropa/ on English modelEconomy of a single form------Loyalty to recipient language
   Specialized retention of an "indigenous" word after borrowing of an equivalentFrench chose, retained and distinguished from causeNo confusion in semantemesElimination of superfluous terms------

 ・ Weinreich, Uriel. Languages in Contact: Findings and Problems. New York: Publications of the Linguistic Circle of New York, 1953. The Hague: Mouton, 1968.

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