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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2022-07-31

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2022-07-31 Sun

#4843. 『英語の教養』と『起源でたどる日常英語表現事典』のキーワード一覧 [terminology]

 標題の通り,後で何かの役に立つはずという狙いを込めて,昨年出版された2冊の英語文化教養本,『英語の教養』と『起源でたどる日常英語表現事典』より,主に見出しとして取り上げられているキーワードやキーフレーズを抜き出して一覧しておきたい(各書については「#4825. 英米史略年表 --- 『英語の教養』より」 ([2022-07-13-1]) と「#4826. 『起源でたどる日常英語表現事典』の目次」 ([2022-07-14-1]) で触れたので,そちらを参照).

Celtic Migration, Roman Rule of Britain, Viking Invasion, the Norman Conquest, the Hundred Years' War and the Wars of the Roses, the Black Death, Defeat of the Spanish Armada, the Pilgrim Fathers, American War of Independence, the American Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, Apache, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Comanche, Hopi, Iroquois, Navaho, Sioux, tepee, wigwam, pueblo, totem pole, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, New Year's Day, Saint Valentine's Day, carnival, Easter, Saint Patrick's Day, April Fools' Day, May Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, the Twelve Olympians, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, Athena, Apollon, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Venus, Hermes, Dionysus, Atlas, Eros, Pan, Prometheus, Hercules, Perseus, Achilles, the Trojan War, Chimera, Griffin, Pegasus, Centaur, Gorgons, Siren, mermaid, Hydra, the Bible, Adam and Eva, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, Moses, Ten Commandments, Samson and Deliah, David and Solomon, the golden calf, the patience of Job, Spare the rod and spoil the child., Pride goes [comes] before a fall., a lamb to the slaughter, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth., Jesus Christ, the Annunciation, the Nativity, John the Baptist, the Temptation, the Sermon on the Mount, You are the salt of the earth., No one can serve two masters., Do (to others) as you would be done by., Do not throw your pearls before swine., Enter by the narrow gate., a mote in one's (own) eye, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon, Judas, prodigal sun, good Samaritan, the Last Supper, the Passion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, Protestant Church, the Anglican Church, angel, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Baptism, Cathedral, Church, Cross, Devil, Mass, Monastery, Pope, Saint, Virgin Mary, Arthur, Cinderella, Dragon, Fairy, banshee, brownie, elf, gnome, goblin, leprechaun, Oberon, pixy, pixie, Puck, Titania, Mother Goose, Robin Hood, Santa Clause, Sphinx, Unicorn, Witch, bar, bed, beef, beer, bell, biscuit, bread, cake, candle, candy, cereal, chair, cheese, chocolate, closet, coffee, cup, doughnut, egg, garden, yard, hamburger, hat, cap, hot dog, jeans, jewelry, key, pancake, pie, pork, pub, pudding, salad, salt, sandwich, shoe, tea, tie, whiskey, whisky, window, wine, American football, Baseball, Basketball, Boxing, Golf, Horse Racing, Rugby, Soccer, Tennis, Alice, Dracula, Frankenstein, Gulliver, Huckleberry Finn, Humpty Dumpty, Peter Pan, Peter Rabbit, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Uncle Tom, Winnie-the-Pooh, the Wizard of Oz, Superman, Batman, Tarzan, King Kong, Popeye, Mickey Mouse, Al Capone, Johnny Appleseed, Billy the Kid, Buffalo Bill, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyan, alligator, crocodile, bat, bear, bee, buffalo, butterfly, camel, canary, cardinal, carp, cat, cattle, chicken, cod, crow, cuckoo, deer, dog, dolphin, donkey, dove, pigeon, duck, eagle, elephant, fox, frog, goat, goose, hawk, herring, horse, jay, kangaroo, lark, leopard, lion, locust, mackerel, tuna, marlin, monkey, mouse, nightingale, octopus, owl, parrot, peacock, hog, rabbit, rat, robin, salmon, trout, shark, sheep, snake, spider, squirrel, swallow, swan, turkey, turtle, vulture, whale, wolf, acacia, anemone, apple, banana, bean, pea, berry, cabbage, carnation, cedar, cherry, clover, corn, daffodil, daisy, dandelion, grape, grass, iris, ivy, laurel, lilac, lily, mistletoe, nut, oak, olive, orange, palm, poppy, potato, pumpkin, rice, rose, tomato, tulip, wheat, yew


Autonomy, Citizen, Construct, Domain, Economy, Electricity, Execution, Icon, Medicine, Monopoly, Ocean (the Ocean), Pacific, Paper, Politics, Public, Bible, Diamond, Exodus, Flesh, Greed, Lord, Love, Scapegoat, Tiara, Tower, Aristocracy, Class, Crown, Dignity, Duke, Dynasty, Emperor, Empire, Might, Noble, Order, Prince, Proletariat, Royal, Status, School, Grammar school, Public school, College, University, Principal, President, Dean, Provost, Academy, Bachelor, Master, Doctor, Professor, Lecturer, Amulet, Baptism, Cathedral, Chapel, Church, God, Heaven, Holy, Minister, Miracle, Paradise, Priest, Sacred, Synagogue, Talisman, Admiral, Arms, Arsenal, Battle, Bomb, Bullet, Captain, Colonel, General, Gun, Missile, Officer, Soldier, War, Weapon, Bicameral, Cabinet, Coalition, Democracy, Diet, Government, Judge, Jury, Ministry, Monarchy, Parliament, Prime Minister, Prosecutor, Buy, Convenience store, Deficit, Deflation, Inflation, Market, Sale, Sell, Share, Stock, Shop, Store, Supermarket, Trade, Transport, Agreement, Borrow, Calculate, Contract, Cost, Count, Credit, Deal, Debt, Figure, Negotiation, Owe, Price, Sum, Title, ATM, Bank, Bill, Bond, Collateral, Deposit, Endorse, Exchange, Finance, Fund, Guarantee, Hedge, Interest, Loan, Customs, Dock, Export, Freight, Harbor, Import, Insurance, Invoice, Port, Post, Railway, Ship, Tax, Truck, Wharf, Barber, Butcher, Carpenter, Farm, Foundry, Hospital, Hotel, Mint, Nurse, Physician, Plumber, Potter, Restaurant, Smith, Veterinarian, Job, Labo(u)r, Occupation, Profession, Vocation, Work, Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Rugby, Soccer, Tennis, Game, Hobby, Leisure, Head, Body, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Beef, Fish, Beer, Whisky/Whiskey, Wine, Knife, Pen, Pencil, Airplane, Bicycle, Car, Train, Cat, Dog, Horse, Forest, Grave, Mountain, Peninsula, Prairie, River, Sea, Tomb, Angel, Devil, Elf, Halloween, Monster, Phantom, Witch, Drizzle, Drought, Flood, Hurricane, Rain, Snow, Storm, Typhoon, Weather, Wind, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Fall, Winter, Air, Atmosphere, Aurora, Cloud, Cosmos, Sky, Space, Star, Sun, Universe, Calendar, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Clock, a.m., A.D., Alma Mater, Bona fide, Candle, Confidence, De facto, e.g., etc./et cetera, i.e., Mile, per, per cent/percent, v.v/vice versa, Verse, Attaché Connoisseur, Gourmet, Novice, Vogue, Chocolate, Kindergarten, Magazine, Pyjamas/Pajamas, Tea

 同趣旨の記事・ツールとして「#1809. American Heritage Dictionary の Notes」 ([2014-04-10-1]),「#1819. AHD Word History Note Search」 ([2014-04-20-1]) も参照.この手の一覧は,手元に置いておくと(少なくとも私には)かなり実用的で役立つのです.

 ・ 大井 光隆 『英語の教養』 ベレ出版,2021年.
 ・ 亀田 尚己・中道 キャサリン 『起源でたどる日常英語表現事典』 丸善出版,2021年.

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