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2018-09-04 Tue

#3417. 祈願の may は従属節における用法から発達した [syntax][word_order][auxiliary_verb][optative][oed][may]

 「#1867. May the Queen live long! の語順」 ([2014-06-07-1]),「#2256. 祈願を表わす may の初例」 ([2015-07-01-1]),「#2484. 「may 祈願文ができるまで」」 ([2016-02-14-1]) でもすでに触れてきたが,祈願の may の構文の成立過程の1つは,従属節における用法(I wish that S may V のような構文)からの発達に求めることができる.少なくとも OED はそのように考えており,松瀬 (82) も Stage 3 から Stage 4 への推移において同じ発達があったとみているようだ.ただ,OED ではその時期を中英語から近代英語への過渡期に置いているのに対して,松瀬はもう少し早めの中英語期に置いているという違いがある.
 祈願の may の構文の原型とされる従属節における用法について,OED では古英語から現代英語までの例を,may, v.1 の語義9bに挙げている.以下に引用する.

b. In clauses depending on such verbs as beseech, desire, demand, hope, wish, and their allied nouns. . . .

   OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) x. 258 Hwæt wilt ðu þæt ic þe do? He cwæð: drihten þæt ic mage geseon.
   1432 Charter Educ. Henry VI in Paston Lett. (1872) I. 32 The said Erle desireth..that he may putte hem from..occupacion of the Kinges service.
   1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Celebr. Holye Communion f. xxiv Graunt that they maie both perceaue and knowe what thinges they ought to do.
   1636 in M. Kytö Variation & Diachrony (1991) 111 I desire they may goe for shares and victuall them selves.
   1771 [T. Smollett Humphry Clinker I. 197 But, perhaps, I mistake his complaisance; and I wish I may, for his sake.]
   1782 W. Cowper Conversation in Poems 218 He humbly hopes, presumes it may be so.
   1908 W. McDougall Introd. Social Psychol. p. vii I hope that the book may be of service to students of all the social sciences.
   1970 N.Y. Times 21 Sept. 42/2 Through the new page.., we hope that a contribution may be made toward stimulating new thought.
   1984 Guardian 27 Jan. 26 They found a shovel raising hopes that the lost men may have dug themselves into a snow hole.

 一方,問題の主節における祈願の may の構文については,OED は語義12のもとで挙げており,初例を1521年としている.一部「#1867. May the Queen live long! の語順」 ([2014-06-07-1]) でも掲載したが,語義12の全体を引用しておこう.

12. Used (with inversion of verb and subject) in exclamatory expressions of wish (synonymous with the simple present subjunctive, which (exc. poet. and rhetorically) it has superseded).
   This use developed from sense 9b, as is shown by early examples, such as quot. 1521, in which the subject precedes may, and antecedent formulae (e.g. quot. 1501) which have a that-clause.

   [1501 in A. W. Reed Early Tudor Drama (1926) 240 Wherfore that it may please your good lordship, the premisses tenderly considered to graunt a Writ of subpena to be directed [etc.].]
   1521 Petition in Hereford Munic. MSS (transcript) (O.E.D. Archive) I. ii. 5 Wherefore it may please you to ennacte [etc.; cf. 1582--3 Hereford Munic. MSS (transcript) II. 265 Maye [it] pleas yo(ur)r worshipes to caule].
   1570 M. Coulweber in J. W. Burgon Life Gresham II. 360 For so much as I was spoyled by the waye in cominge towards England by the Duke of Alva his frebetters, maye it please the Queenes Majestie [etc.].
   1590 Marlowe Tamburlaine: 1st Pt. sig. A5v Long liue Cosroe mighty Emperour. Cosr. And Ioue may neuer let me longer liue, Then I may seeke to gratifie your loue.
   1593 Shakespeare Venus & Adonis sig. Diijv Long may they kisse ech other for this cure.
   1611 M. Smith in Bible (King James) Transl. Pref. sig. ⁋3 Long may he reigne.
   1637 Milton Comus 32 May thy brimmed waves for this Their full tribute never misse.
   1647 Prol. to Fletcher's Womans Prize in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. sig. Qqqqq2/1 A merry Play. Which this may prove.
   1712 T. Tickell Spectator No. 410. ⁋6 But let my Sons attend, Attend may they Whom Youthful Vigour may to Sin betray.
   1717 Entertainers No. 2. 7 Much good may it do the Dissenters with such Champions.
   1786 C. Simeon in W. Carus Life (1847) 71 May this be your blessed experience and mine.
   1841 Dickens Old Curiosity Shop i. viii. 121 'May the present moment,' said Dick,.. 'be the worst of our lives!'
   1892 Catholic News 27 Feb. 5/5 May this smash-up of his facts remain as a warning to him.
   1946 W. H. Auden Litany & Anthem for S. Matthew's Day May we worship neither the flux of chance, nor the wheel of fortune.
   1986 B. Gilroy Frangipani House vii. 30 May your soul never wander and may you find eternal peace.

 1712年の例で,Let my Sons attend, Attend may they という部分で勧告の let と祈願の may が言い換えのように並置されているのが示唆的である.「#2478. 祈願の may と勧告の let の発達の類似性」 ([2016-02-08-1]),「#3416. 祈願の may と勧告の let の意味論的類似性」 ([2018-09-03-1]) を参照.

 ・ 松瀬 憲司 「"May the Force Be with You!"――英語の may 祈願文について――」『熊本大学教育学部紀要』64巻,2015年.77--84頁.

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