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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2015-04-26

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2015-04-26 Sun

#2190. 原義の弱まった強意語 [intensifier][semantic_change]

 本ブログでは,強意語について intensifier の各記事で取り上げてきた.とりわけ,「#992. 強意語と「限界効用逓減の法則」」 ([2012-01-14-1]) や「#1219. 強意語はなぜ種類が豊富か」 ([2012-08-28-1]) では,強意語が歴史的に次々と現われては累積してきた過程について論じた.英語史における強意語の発達の具体例は先の記事でも列挙したが,今回は,歴史的に累積してきた,現代英語でもある程度よく用いられる強意副詞の例を挙げたい.この種の語彙一覧を簡便かつ丁寧に与えてくれるのは,Williams (191--92) である.以下のそれぞれについて,本来の語義からいかにして強調の意味が発達したのか,その本来の語義は今ではどの程度感じられるかについて問うてみてほしい.

 IntensifierExample PhraseEarlier Meaning
1.abominablyabominably tired(excite disgust)
2.amazinglyamazingly dull(cause to lose wits)
3.astonishinglyastonishingly minor(stun with a blow)
4.awfullyawfully unimpressive(cause dread or awe)
5.confoundedconfounded happy(bring to perdition)
6.damneddamned pleased(doomed)
7.dreadfullydreadfully small(excite dread or awe)
8.enormouslyenormously good(abnormally evil)
9.excessivelyexcessively happy(go beyond just limits)
10.extraordinarilyextraordinarily normal(beyond the ordinary)
11.extravagantlyextravagantly unambitious(wander beyond bounds)
12.extremelyextremely limited(uttermost)
13.fabulouslyfabulously cheap(fabled)
14.fantasticallyfantastically real(exist in imagination)
15.fullfull weary(complete)
16.frightfullyfrightfully boring(full of horror)
17.grandlygrandly expensive(great)
18.greatlygreatly exhausted(great)
19.hideouslyhideously expensive(excite terror)
20.horriblyhorribly expensive(excite horror)
21.horridlyhorridly embarrassed(excite horror)
22.hugelyhugely amused(immense)
23.immenselyimmensely unimportant(large beyond measure)
24.immoderatelyimmoderately hungry(beyond limits)
25.incrediblyincredibly real(not to be believed)
26.intenselyintensely tired(stretched)
27.magnificentlymagnificently pleased(greatness of achievement)
28.marvelouslymarvelously stupid(miraculous)
29.might(il)ymighty weak(power)
30.monstrouslymonstrously excited(deviating from natural)
31.outrageouslyoutrageously ordinary(exceeding limits)
32.perfectlyperfectly stupid(complete in all senses)
33.prettypretty ugly(firm, nice, proper)
34.powerfulpowerful tired(force,influence)
35.reallyreally imaginative(objective existence)
36.rightright foolish(what is good)
37.simplysimply confusing(without complication)
38.sore(ly)sore(ly) afraid(cause pain)
39.stupendouslystupendously alert(struck senseless)
40.tremendouslytremendously calm(excite trembling)
41.terriblyterribly pleased(excite terror)
42.terrificallyterrifically happy(excite terror)
43.vastlyvastly insignificant(of great dimensions)
44.veryvery false(true, real)
45.violentlyviolently opposed(producing injury)
46.wonderfullywonderfully boring(causing astonishment)
47.wondrouslywondrously tedious(causing astonishment)

 上掲語の多くは,強意に用いられるときには,原義が失われているか,少なくとも弱まってはいるだろう.リストにはないが,例えば f--king chaste という強意表現は f--king の原義を考えると意味的に矛盾しているが,実際に俗語で用いられ得るのは,その語がすでに原義をほとんど失っているからである.そこに宿っているのは,ショックを引き起こす力のみである.

 ・ Williams, Joseph M. Origins of the English Language: A Social and Linguistic History. New York: Free P, 1975.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-03-25-1] [2018-02-16-1]

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