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2015-01-25 Sun

#2099. faultl [etymological_respelling][spelling][pronunciation][dialect][johnson]

 「#192. etymological respelling (2)」 ([2009-11-05-1]) のリストにあるとおり,現代英語の fault の綴字に l が含まれているのは語源的綴字によるものである.語源的綴字は典型的には初期近代英語期のラテン語熱の高まった時代の所産といわれるが,実はもっと早い例も少なくない.fault も14世紀末の Gower ((a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3) 6.286) に "As I am drunke of that I drinke, So am I ek for falte of drinke." として初出する.実在のラテン単語で直接の起源とされる語はないが,仮説形 *fallitum が立てられている.フランス語でも15--17世紀に fautefaulte の形で現われている.英語で l を含む綴字が標準となったのは17世紀以降だが,発音における /l/ の挙動はその前後で安定しなかった.
 OED によると,17--18世紀の Pope や Swift において faultthoughtwrought と脚韻を踏んでいたというし,1855年の Johnson の辞書にも "The l is sometimes sounded, and sometimes mute. In conversation it is generally suppressed." と注意書きがある.fault と似たような環境にある l は,近代の正音学者にとっても問題の種だったようで,その様子を Dobson (Vol. 2, §425. fn. 5) がよく伝えている.

Balm, calm, palm, almond, falcon, salmon, &c. should by etymology have no [l], being from OF baume, &c., and normally are recorded without [l]. But some of them had 'learned' OF forms, adopted directly from Latin, which retained [l] . . ., and others came to be spelt with l partly on etymological grounds and partly on the model of psalm, &c., spelt with but pronounced without l; and from the OF 'learned' variants, and perhaps partly from the spelling in combination with the variation in pronunciation in psalm, &c., there arose pronunciations with ME aul, recorded by Salesbury in calm, Bullokar in almond, balm, and calm, Gil in balm (as a 'learned' variant), and Daines in calm (as a variant). . . .
   Variation between pronunciations with and without l in such native words as malt and salt has clearly aided the establishment of the spelling-pronunciations with [l] in fault and vault, in which the orthoepists regularly show the l to be silent, with the following exceptions. Hart once retains l in faults, probably by error; Gil says that most omit the l, but some -pronounce it, and twice gives transcriptions with l elsewhere (in Luick's copy of the 1619 edition a transcription faut is corrected by hand to falt); Tonkis fails to say that the l is silent, and the anonymous reviser (1684) of T. Shelton's Tachygraphy does not omit it (in contrast to this treatment of, for example, balm); and Hodges relegates to his 'near alike' list the paring of fault and fought. Bullokar twice transcribes vault without l, but once retains it.

 fault について近代方言に目を移すと,English Dialect Dictionary には,"FAULT, sb. and v. Var. dial. uses in Sc. Irel. Eng. and Amer. Also in forms faut Sc. Ir. n.Yks.2 e.Yks. n.Lin.1 War. Shr.1 2 Som. w.Som.1; faute Sc.; fowt Suf. [folt, fat, f$t, fout.]" と記載されてあり,数多くの方言に l なしの形態が分布していることがわかる.
 現代標準英語の発音は /fɔːlt/ で安定しており,通常は何の問題意識も生じないだろうが,標準から目をそらせば,そこには別の物語が広がっている.fault を巡る語源的綴字現象の余波は,始まってから数世紀たった今も,確かに続いているのである.

 ・ Dobson, E. J. English Pronunciation 1500--1700. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Oxford: OUP, 1968.

Referrer (Inside): [2017-02-15-1]

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