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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2009-11-28

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2009-11-28 Sat

#215. ENL, ESL 地域の英語化した年代 [elf]

 [2009-10-17-1], [2009-10-21-1]ENS, ESL, EFL という英語話者の三区分と,世界におけるそれぞれの分布を話題にした.歴史的な観点からは,現在 ENSESL である国・地域について,いつ英語が根付いたのかというが気にかかる.この点について McArthur が便利な一覧を作成しているので,再利用が可能なように本記事に掲載しておく.各国・地域において英語が最初に使われた年代,あるいは各国・地域が形成・植民された年代に基づいて,5期に分けて示す.アメリカとカナダについては州レベルで示す.

(1) 5 -- 16世紀

What later became England (c. AD 450 onward); what later became Scotland (c. 600 onward); Ireland (1171 onward, especially during the Plantations in 1560-1620); Wales (1282 onward, especially on union with England in 1536/1542); Newfoundland (settlement of St John's, 1504, formalized as England's first North American colony, 1583).

(2) 17世紀

Jamestown, Virginia (1607); Bermuda (1612); Surat (1612: first trading station in India); Plymouth Plantation, Massachusetts (1620); Barbados (1627); Madras (1640); the Bahamas (1647); Jamaica (1655); Saint Helena (1659); Hudson's Bay (1670); Bombay, from Portugal (1674); Calcutta (1690)

(3) 18世紀

Quebec (1759); the East India Company uniting its territories under Calcutta (1774); Declaration of Independence of the American colonies (1776); Botany Bay penal colony, Australia (1786); Upper and Lower Canada (1791: now Ontario and Quebec); New Zealand (1792).

(4) 19世紀

Ceylon, Trinidad (1802); Lousiana Purchase (1803); Cape Colony, South Africa (1806, 1814); Sierra Leone (1808); Malta, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Tobago (1814); Gambia (1816); Singapore (1819); US purchase of Florida from Spain (1819); US settlers in Mexican territory of Texas (1821: independence 1836, US state 1845); Australia at large (1829); British Guiana (1831: now Guyana); Hong Kong (1842: returned to China, 1997); Natal, South Africa (1846); Mexico cedes California, etc., to the US (1848); Bay Islands (1850: ceded to Honduras, 1858); Lagos (1861: now Nigeria); British Honduras (1862: now Belize); British North America officially named Canada, Alaska purchased from Russia by US (1867); Basutoland (1869: now Lesotho); the Gold Coast (1874: now Ghana); South East New Guinea (1884: now Papua); Bechuanaland (1885: now Botswana); Burma (1886); Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar (1888-94); US annexes Hawaii, Spain cedes Philippines and Puerto Rico to US (1898); Sudan becomes a condominium of Britain and Egypt (1899).

(5) 20世紀

South Africa (1910); Britain and France invade German colony of Kamerun (1914: formally ceded in 1919, now Cameroon); Germans cede Tanganyika and New Guinea (1919); Germans cede German West Africa, administered for the UN by South Africa as South West Africa (1920: now Namibia); British India is partitioned into India and Pakistan (1947); Bangladesh secedes from Pakistan (1971).

 ・McArthur, Tom. The English Languages. Cambridge: CUP, 1998. 54--55.

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