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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2012-04-15

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2012-04-15 Sun

#1084. 英語の重要性を示す項目の一覧 [elf][statistics][internet][airspeak]

 現代世界における英語の重要性を示す事実や統計については,elf の各記事や,とりわけ statistics elf の各記事で取り上げてきた.英語の世界化は現在進行中であり,英語に関する事実と統計も常に変化の最中にあるために,最新の情報を正確に捉えることは難しい.いきおい数年遅れ,場合によっては数十年遅れの情報をもとに現状を推し量るということになりがちである.また,多くの研究者や機関が事実や統計を調査しているものの,個別の情報を個別に公表するにとどまることが多く,全体像を得ることが難しい.
 以下の一覧は,2006年に出版された Schmitt and Marsden (2--3) に挙げられている英語の重要性を示す事実と統計の諸項目だが,著者もいうように "In many cases, the most current information available dates from the 1990s, or even the 1980s." (2) である.あくまで参考資料だが,このように一覧されていると便利ではある.なお,原文では,各項目に典拠が注記されており,必要に応じて参照することができる.

 ・ English is the principal language of intercontinental telephone communication.
 ・ Perhaps as much as 75 percent of mail around the world is written in English.
 ・ About half of the world's newspapers are published in English.
 ・ Twenty-eight percent of the books published annually are in English.
 ・ The majority of academic journals with international readership are in English.
 ・ The majority, and perhaps even more than two-thirds, of international scientists write in English. For example, nearly two-thirds of the publications produced by French scientists were in English in the early 1980s. Likewise, English was the major working language for German academics surveyed in the early 1990s. In 13 out of 20 disciplines, at least 40 percent claimed to work in English, and for psychology, biology, chemistry, and physics, the figures ranged from 81 to 98 percent. One can only suspect that these figures are even higher today.
 ・ Ninety percent of Internet hosts were based in English-speaking countries in the mid-1998s.
 ・ Close to 80 percent of the world's computer data available on the Internet was stored in English in the 1990s, which is not surprising considering that English-speaking countries took the lead in developing the Internet. However, as other countries rapidly increase their use of the Internet, the use of non-English languages is rising. Still, English sites on the Internet continue to attract a disproportionately high percentage of hits.
 ・ Forty percent of the people online on the Internet speak English (228 million people), though this may eventually drop to around 30 percent. The next highest language is Chinese at 9.8 percent (55.5 million people).
 ・ The most influential software company, Microsoft, is based in an English-speaking country: the United States.
 ・ Most of the largest advertising agencies are based in the United States.
 ・ Eighty-five percent of world institutions use English as their language, or as one of their languages; for example, it is the official language of the Olympics and the World Council of Churches.
 ・ The official international language for both aviation and maritime use is English.
 ・ English is the dominant language of international trade, with about 40 percent of the business deals made in English.
 ・ The most influential movies and modern music come from English-speaking countries.
 ・ In 1994, 80 percent of all feature films that were shown in cinemas worldwide were in English.
 ・ About 85 percent of the global movie market was controlled by the United States in 1995.
 ・ The fact that large numbers of people are learning English as a second language is reflected by the large number of people taking the TOEFL® Test (about 689,000 people in 215 countries) and University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) tests (more than 1 million people in more than 130 countries) every year.

 1997年に出版の Graddol や2003年に出版の Crystal も(いずれもやはり古いが)この種の統計情報に満ちている.関連して,「#48. 国際的に英語が使用される主要な分野」 ([2009-06-15-1]) や「#716. 英語史のイントロクイズ(2011年度版)とその解答」 ([2011-04-13-1]) も参照.

 ・ Schmitt, Norbert, and Richard Marsden. Why Is English Like That? Ann Arbor, Mich.: U of Michigan P, 2006.
 ・ Graddol, David. The Future of English? The British Council, 1997. Digital version available at http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-research-futureofenglish.htm
 ・ Crystal, David. English As a Global Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP, 2003.

Referrer (Inside): [2013-01-31-1]

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