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2016-09-06 Tue

#2689. Saeed の意味論概説書の目次 [toc][semantics]

 先日の「#2683. Huang の語用論概説書の目次」 ([2016-08-31-1]) に引き続き,今回は,Saeed の意味論のテキストの目次を挙げる.定評のある意味論の概説書で,共時的意味論の広い分野を網羅しており,理論的な基礎を学ぶのに適している.ただし,通時的な意味論の話題はほとんど扱っていない.

Part I Preliminaries

1 Semantics in Linguistics
   1.1 Introduction
   1.2 Semantics and Semiotics
   1.3 Three Challenges in Doing Semantics
   1.4 Meeting the Challenges
   1.5 Semantics in a Model of Grammar
   1.6 Some Important Assumptions
   1.7 Summary
2 Meaning, Thought and Reality
   2.1 Introduction
   2.2 Reference
   2.3 Reference as a Theory of Meaning
   2.4 Mental Representations
   2.5 Words, Concepts and Thinking
   2.6 Summary

Part II Semantic Description

3 Word Meaning
   3.1 Introduction
   3.2 Words and Grammatical Categories
   3.3 Words and Lexical Items
   3.4 Problems with Pinning Down Word Meaning
   3.5 Lexical Relations
   3.6 Derivational Relations
   3.7 Lexical Universals
   3.8 Summary
4 Sentence Relations and Truth
   4.1 Introduction
   4.2 Logic and Truth
   4.3 Necessary Truth, A Priori Truth and Analyticity
   4.4 Entailment
   4.5 Presupposition
   4.6 Summary
5 Sentence Semantics 1: Situations
   5.1 Introduction
   5.2 Classifying Situations
   5.3 Modality and Evidentiality
   5.4 Summary
6 Sentence Semantics 2: Participants
   6.1 Introduction: Classifying Participants
   6.2 Thematic Roles
   6.3 Grammatical Relations and Thematic Roles
   6.4 Verbs and Thematic Role Grids
   6.5 Problems with Thematic Roles
   6.6 The Motivation for Identifying Thematic Roles
   6.7 Voice
   6.8 Classifiers and Noun Classes
   6.9 Summary
7 Context and Inference
   7.1 Introduction
   7.2 Deixis
   7.3 Reference and Context
   7.4 Knowledge as Context
   7.5 Information Structure
   7.6 Inference
   7.7 Conversational Implicature
   7.8 Summary
8 Functions of Language: Speech as Action
   8.1 Introduction
   8.2 Austin's Speech Act Theory
   8.3 Categorizing Speech Acts
   8.4 Indirect Speech Acts
   8.5 Sentence Types
   8.6 Summary

Part III Theoretical Approaches

9 Meaning Components
   9.1 Introduction
   9.2 Lexical Relations in CA
   9.3 Katz's Semantic Theory
   9.4 Grammatical Rules and Semantic Components
   9.5 Components and Conflation Patterns
   9.6 Jackendoff's Conceptual Structure
   9.7 Pustejovsky's Generative Lexicon
   9.8 Problems with Components of Meaning
   9.9 Summary
10 Formal Semantics
   10.1 Introduction
   10.2 Model-Theoretical Semantics
   10.3 Translating English into a Logical Metalanguage
   10.4 The Semantics of the Logical Metalanguage
   10.5 Checking the Truth-Value of Sentences
   10.6 Word Meaning: Meaning Postulates
   10.7 Natural Language Quantifiers and Higher Order Logic
   10.8 Intensionality
   10.9 Dynamic Approaches to Discourse
   10.10 Summary
11 Cognitive Semantics
   11.1 Introduction
   11.2 Metaphor
   11.3 Metonymy
   11.4 Image Schemas
   11.5 Polysemy
   11.6 Mental Spaces
   11.7 Langacker's Cognitive Grammar
   11.8 Summary

 ・ Saeed, John I. Semantics. 3rd ed. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

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