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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2014-06-03

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2014-06-03 Tue

#1863. Stern による語の意味を決定づける3要素 [semantics]

 Stern は語の意味を決定づける要素として3つを挙げている.1つ目は "the objective reference", 2つ目は "the subjective apprehension", 3つ目は "the traditional range" である.それぞれ,指示対象そのものの特性,話し手や聞き手がそれをどのように捉えているか,社会慣習としての有効範囲を表わす.別の観点からいえば,昨日の記事「#1862. Stern による言語の4つの機能」 ([2014-06-02-1]) で挙げた Stern の言語の4機能のうちの最初の3つ,symbolic, expressive, communicative の機能にそれぞれ対応するといえる.Stern (43--44) に直接説明してもらおう.

   We have found, in the first place, that the objective reference is an indispensable element in any meaning, and that the qualitative characteristics of meaning are conditioned by the actual characteristics of the referent which the word is employed to denote. This factor conditions the symbolic function of the word.
   We have found, secondly, that the meaning of a word is determined also by the subject's apprehension of the referent that the word is employed to denote, that is to say, the subject's thoughts and feelings with regard to the referent. This factor conditions the expressive function of the word.
   We have found, thirdly, that the traditional range of a word serves to discriminate its meaning from concomitant elements of mental content, or mental context. The meaning of a word in speech normally lies within its range. This factor conditions the communicative function of the word.

 続けて Stern (45) は,上記の説を踏まえて,語の意味を次のように定義している.少なくとも作業仮説として評価できる定義である.

The meaning of a word --- in actual speech -- is identical with those elements of the user's (speaker's or hearer's) subjective apprehension of the referent denoted by the word, which he apprehends as expressed by it.

 Stern の立場は,Ogden and Richards の立場とそれほど隔たっていないように思われる.後者については,「#1769. Ogden and Richards の semiotic triangle」 ([2014-03-01-1]),「#1777. Ogden and Richards による The Canons of Symbolism」 ([2014-03-09-1]),「#1782. 意味の意味」 ([2014-03-14-1]) を参照.

 ・ Stern, Gustaf. Meaning and Change of Meaning. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1931.

Referrer (Inside): [2015-05-05-1] [2014-06-13-1]

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