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2021-06-22 Tue

#4439. 古英語は混合方言として始まった? [dialectology][dialect][oe_dialect][anglo-saxon][dialect_contact][dialect_mixture][numeral][superlative][be][suppletion]

 上記の見方は,諸方言が5世紀半ば以来,互いに(まったくとはいわずとも)それほど交わってこなかったことを前提としている.しかし,「#2868. いかにして古英語諸方言が生まれたか」 ([2017-03-04-1]) で紹介したように,古英語はそもそも方言接触 (dialect_contact) と方言混合 (dialect_mixture) の産物ではないかという議論もある.8世紀頃の古英語にはまだかなりの言語的多様性が観察されるが,これは古い諸方言が相互接触を通じて新しい諸方言へと生まれ変わる際に典型的にみられる現象といえるのではないか.
 Trudgill (2045--46) は Nielsen を参照しつつ,方言混合に起因するとみられる古英語の言語的多様性の具体例を3点挙げている.

1) Old English had a remarkable number of different, alternative forms corresponding to Modern English 'first', and, crucially, more than any other continental Germanic language. This variability, moreover, would appear to be linked, although in some way that is not entirely clear, to variability and differentiation on the European mainland: ærest (cf. Old High German eristo); forma (cf. Old Frisian forma); formest (cf. Gothic frumists); and fyrst (cf. Old Norse fyrst).
2) Similarly, OE had two different paradigms for the present tense of the verb to be, one derived from Indo-European *-es- and apparently related to Old Norse and Gothic; and the other deriving from Indo-European *bheu and relating to Old Saxon and Old High German. The relevant singular forms in Table 130.1

Table 130.1: Singular forms of the present tense of the verb to be (Nielsen 1998: 80)
 GothicOld NorseOld English IOld English IIOld SaxonOld High German

3) Old English also exhibited variability, in all regions, in the form of the interrogative pronoun meaning 'which of two'. This alternated between hwæðer which relates to Gothic hvaóar and W. Norse hvaðarr, on the other hand, and hweder which corresponds to O. Saxon hweðar, on the other.

 上記 1) の "first" に相当する序数詞の形態的多様性については,中英語の話題ではあるが「#1307. mostmest」 ([2012-11-24-1]) も関係する.2) の be 動詞が示す共時的な補充法 (suppletion) については,その起源が方言混合にあるかもしれないという洞察は鋭い.一般に補充法の事例を考察する際のヒントになるだろう.
 方言接触や方言混合の一般的な解説は「#1671. dialect contact, dialect mixture, dialect levelling, koineization」 ([2013-11-23-1]) をどうぞ.

 ・ Trudgill, Peter. "Varieties of English: Dialect Contact." Chapter 130 of English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook. 2 vols. Ed. Alexander Bergs and Laurel J. Brinton. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012. 2044--59.
 ・ Nielsen, Hans Frede. The Continental Backgrounds of English and its Insular Development until 1154. Odense: Odense UP, 1998.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-07-30-1]

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