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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2022-05-13

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2022-05-13 Fri

#4764. 慣用的な懸垂分詞の起源と種類 [participle][syntax][grammaticalisation][preposition][dangling_participle]

 「#4754. 懸垂分詞」 ([2022-05-03-1]) で取り上げたように,judging from のように慣用表現として定着している懸垂分詞 (dangling participle) の例がある.speaking of, strictly speaking, considering, including なども仲間だろう.もともと現在分詞句として始まった表現が,文法化 (grammaticalisation) を経て,機能的に前置詞に近いものへ発展してきたのだろうと考えることができる.
 この統語構造について,Visser (§1075) が1セクションを割いている.先駆的表現はすでに古英語にあったとのことだ.

   1075 --- Types 'Speaking of daughters, I have seen Miss Dombey' 'This is, strictly speaking, no quibble'

   Here follow a number of instances of the use of non-related free -ing adjuncts which have nowadays begun to be generally considered established usage. In this case the adjunct never takes the having + past participle or the being + past participle form. Some of the adjuncts are more or less halfway in their development to prepositions, e.g. 'talking of' = 'apropos of'.
   It seems worth while to cite the following Old English passage as being a kind of forerunner of the idiom under discussion: Ælfric, Gen. 13, 10, 'eall se eard . . . wæs mirige mid wætere gemenged swa swa godes neorxna wang and swa swa Egipta land becumendum on Segor' (Auth. V.: as thou comest unto Zoar). A Middle English instance is: c1450 Cov. Myst. p. 387, 'My name is great and marveylous, treuly you telland.'

 Visser は同セクションで,近代英語期からの用例を多数引きつつ,16種類の関連表現を列挙している.allowing, begging, considering, counting, excluding, excusing, granting, including, judging, letting alone, reckoning, speaking, supposing, taking, talking, waiving

 ・ Visser, F. Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. 3 vols. Leiden: Brill, 1963--1973.

Referrer (Inside): [2022-06-01-1] [2022-05-14-1]

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