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過去3日間の記事(「#3787. 650年辺りを境とする,その前後のラテン借用語の特質」 ([2019-09-09-1]),「#3788. 古英語期以前のラテン借用語の意外な日常性」 ([2019-09-10-1]),「#3789. 古英語語彙におけるラテン借用語比率は1.75%」 ([2019-09-11-1]))でも触れたように,650年辺りより前にラテン語から英語へ流入した単語には,意外と日常的なものが多く含まれている.
これを確認するには,具体的な単語一覧を眺めてみるのが一番だ.Durkin (107--16) を参照して,以下に,意味の分野ごとに,各々の単語について古英語の借用形,現代の対応語(あるいは語義),ラテン語形を示す.先頭に "?" を付している語は,早期の借用語であると強い根拠をもっては認められない語である.
[ Religion and the Church ]
・ abbod, abbot 'abbot' [L abbat-, abbas]
・ abbodesse 'abbess' [L abbatissa]
・ antefn, also (later) antifon, antyfon 'antiphon (type of liturgical chant)' [L antifona, antefona]
・ ælmesse, ælmes 'alms, charity' [L *alimosina, variant of elemosina]
・ bisċeop 'bishop' [probably L episcopus]
・ cristen 'Christian' [L christianus]
・ dēofol, dīofol 'devil' [perhaps Latin diabulus]
・ draca 'dragon, monstrous beast; the devil' [L draco]
・ engel, angel 'angel' [probably L angelus]
・ mæsse, messe 'mass' (the religious ceremony) [L missa]
・ munuc 'monk' [L monachus]
・ mynster 'monastery; importan church' [L monasterium]
・ nunne 'nun' [L nonna]
・ prēost 'priest' [probably L *prebester, presbyter]
・ senoð, seonoð, sinoð, sionoð 'council, synod, assembly' [L synodus]
・ ? ancra, ancor 'anchorite' [L anachoreta, perhaps via Old Irish anchara]
・ ? ærċe-, erċe-, arce- 'arch-' (in titles) [L archi-]
・ ? relic- (in relicgang (probably) 'bearing of relics in a procession') [clipping of L reliquiae or OE reliquias]
・ ? reliquias 'relics' [L reliquiae]
[ Learning and scholarship ]
・ Læden 'Latin; any foreign language', also (later) lātin [L Latina]
・ sċolu, also (later) scōl 'troop, band; school' [L schola]
・ ? græf 'stylus' [L graphium]
・ ? stǣr (or stær) 'history' [probably ultimately L historia, perhaps via Celtic]
・ ? traht 'text, passage, commentary' [L tractus]
・ ? trahtað 'commentary' [L tractatus]
[ Plants, fruit, and products of plants ]
・ bēte 'beet, beetroot' [L beta]
・ billere denoting several water plants [L berula]
・ box 'box tree', later also 'box, receptable' [L buxus]
・ celendre, cellendre 'coriander' [L coliandrum]
・ ċerfille, ċerfelle 'chervil' [L caerefolium]
・ *ċiċeling 'chickpea' [L cicer]
・ ċīpe 'onion' [L cepe]
・ ċiris-(bēam) 'cherry tree' [L *ceresia, cerasium]
・ ċisten-, ċistel-, ċist-(bēam) 'chestnut tree' [L castinea or castanea]
・ coccel 'corn cockle, or other grain-field weed' [L *cocculus < coccum]
・ codd-(æppel) 'quince' [L cydonium, cotoneum, or cotonium]
・ consolde '(perhaps) daisy or comfrey' [L consolida]
・ corn-(trēo) 'cornel tree' [L cornus]
・ cost 'costmary' [L constum]
・ cymen 'cumin' [L cuminum]
・ cyrfet 'gourd' [L cucurbita]
・ earfe plant name, probably vetch [L ervum]
・ elehtre '(probably) lupin' [L electrum]
・ eofole 'dwarf elder, danewor' [L ebulus]
・ eolone, elene 'elecampane' (a plant) [L inula, helenium]
・ finol, finule, finugle 'fennel' [L fenuculum]
・ glædene a plant name (usually for a type of iris) [L gladiola]
・ humele 'hop plant' [L humulus]
・ lāser 'weed, tare' [L laser]
・ leahtric, leahtroc, also (later) lactuce 'lettuce' [L lactuca]
・ *lent 'lentil' [L lent-, lens]
・ lufestiċe 'lovage' [L luvesticum]
・ mealwe 'mallow' [L malva]
・ *mīl 'millet' [L milium]
・ minte, minta 'mint' [L mentha]
・ næp 'turnip' [L napus]
・ nefte 'catmint' [L nepeta]
・ oser or ōser 'osier' [L osaria]
・ persic 'peach' [L persicum]
・ peru 'pear' [L pirum, pera]
・ piċ 'pitch' (the resinous substance) [L pic-, pix]
・ pīn 'pine' [L pinus]
・ pipeneale 'pimpernel' [L pipinella]
・ pipor 'pepper' [L piper]
・ pieir 'pear tree' [L *pirea]
・ pise, *peose 'pea' [L pisum]
・ plūme 'plum; plum tree' and plȳme 'plum; plum tree' [both perhaps L pruna]
・ pollegie 'penny-royal' [L pulegium]
・ popiġ, papiġ 'poppy' [L papaver]
・ porr 'leek' [L porrum]
・ rǣdiċ 'radish' [L radic-, radix]
・ rūde 'rue' [L ruta]
・ syrfe 'service tree' [L *sorbea, sorbus]
・ ynne- (in ynnelēac) 'onion' [L unio]
・ ? æbs 'fir tree' [L abies]
・ ? croh, crog 'saffron; type of dye; saffron colour' [L crocus]
・ ? fīċ 'fig tree, fig' [L ficus]
・ ? plante 'young plant' [L planta]
・ ? sæðerie, satureġe 'savory (plant name)' [L satureia]
・ ? sæppe 'spruce fir' [L sappinus]
・ ? sōlsēċe 'heliotrope' [L solsequium, with substitution of a derivative of OE sēċan 'to seek' for the second element]
[ Animals ]
・ assa 'ass' [L asinum perhaps via Celtic]
・ capun 'capon' [probably L capon-, capo]
・ cat, catte 'cat' [L cattus]
・ cocc 'cock, rooster' [L coccus]
・ *cocc (in sǣcocc) 'cockle' [perhaps L *coccum]
・ culfre 'dove' [perhals L columbra, columbula]
・ cypera 'salmon at the time of spawning' [L cyprinus]
・ elpend, ylpend 'elephant', also shortend to ylp [L elephant-, elephans]
・ eosol, esol 'ass' [L asellus]
・ lempedu, also (later) lamprede 'lamprey' [L lampreda]
・ mūl 'mule' [L mulus]
・ muscelle 'mussel' [L musculus]
・ olfend 'camel' [probably L elephant-, elephans, with the change in meaning arising from semantic confusion]
・ ostre 'oyster' [L ostrea]
・ pēa 'peafowl' [L pavon-, pavo]
・ *pine- (in *pinewincle, as suggested emendation of winewincle) 'wincle' [perhals L pina]
・ rēnġe 'spider' [L aranea]
・ strȳta 'ostrich' [L struthio]
・ trūht 'trout' [L tructa]
・ turtle, turtur 'turtle dove' [L turtur]
[ Food and drink (see also plants and animals) ]
・ ċȳse, ċēse 'cheese' [L caseus]
・ foca 'cake baked on the ashes of the hearth' (only attested with reference to Biblical contexts or antiquity) [L focus]
・ must 'wine must, new wine' [L mustum]
・ seim 'lard, fat' (only attested in figurative use) [L *sagimen, sagina]
・ senap, senep 'mustard' [L sinapis]
・ wīn 'wine' [L vinum]
[ Medicine ]
・ butere 'butter' [L butyrum, buturum]
・ ċeren 'wine reduced by boiling for extra sweetness' [L carenum]
・ eċed 'vinegar' [L acetum]
・ ele 'oil' [L oleum]
・ fēfer or fefer 'fever' [L febris]
・ flȳtme 'lancet' [L fletoma]
[ Transport; riding and horse gear ]
・ ancor, ancra 'anchor (also in figurative use)' [L ancora]
・ cæfester 'muzzle, halter, bit' [L capistrum, perhaps via Celtic]
・ ċæfl 'muzzle, halter, bit' [L capulus]
・ ċearricge (meaning very uncertain, perhaps 'carriage') [perhaps L carruca]
・ punt 'punt' [L ponton-, ponto]
・ sēam 'burden; harness; service which consisted in supplying beasts of burden' [L sauma, sagma]
・ stǣt 'road; paved road, street' [L strata]
[ Tools and implements ]
・ cucler 'spoon' [L coclear]
・ culter 'coulter; (once) dagger' [L culter]
・ fæċele 'torch' [L facula]
・ fann 'winnowing fan' [L vannus]
・ forc, forca 'fork' [L furca]
・ *fossere or fostere 'spade' [L fossorium]
・ inseġel, insiġle 'seal; signet' [L sigillum]
・ līne 'cable, rope, line, cord; series, row, rule, direction' [probably L linea]
・ mattuc, meottuc, mettoc 'mattock' [perhaps L *matteuca]
・ mortere 'mortar' [L mortarium]
・ panne 'pan' [perhaps L panna]
・ pæġel 'wine vessel; liquid measure' [L pagella]
・ pihten part of a loom [L pecten]
・ pīl 'pointed object; dart, shaft, arrow; spike, nail; stake' [L pilum]
・ pīle 'mortar' [L pila]
・ pinn 'pin, peg, pointer; pen' [probably L penna]
・ pīpe 'tube, pipe; pipe (= wind instrument); small stream' [L pipa]
・ pundur 'counterpoise; plumb line' [L ponder-, pondus]
・ seġne 'fishing net' [L sagena]
・ sicol 'sickle' [L *sicula, secul < secare 'to cut']
・ spynġe, also (later) sponge 'sponge' [L spongia, spongea]
・ timple instrument used in weaving [L templa]
・ turl 'ladele' [L trulla]
・ ? stropp 'strap' [L stroppus or struppus]
・ ? trefet 'trivet, tripod' [L tripes]
[ Warware and weapons ]
・ camp 'battle; war; field' [L campus]
・ cocer 'quiver' [perhaps L cucurum]
[ Buildings and parts of buildings; construction; towns and settlements ]
・ ċeafor-(tūn), cafer-(tūn) 'hall, court' [L capreus]
・ ċealc, calc 'chalk, plaster' [L calc-, calx]
・ ċeaster, ċæster 'fortification; city, town (especially one with a wall)' [L castra]
・ ċipp 'rod, stick, beam (especially in various specific contexts)' [probably L cippus]
・ clifa, cleofa, cliofa 'chamber, cell, den, lair' [perhaps L clibanus 'oven']
・ clūse, clause 'lock; confine, enclosure; fortified pass' [L clausa]
・ clūstor 'lock, bolt, bar, prison' [L claustrum]
・ cruft 'crypt, cave' [L crupta]
・ cyċene 'kitchen' [L coquina]
・ cylen 'kiln, oven' [L culina]
・ *cylene 'town' (only as place-name element) [L colonia]
・ mūr 'wall' [L murus]
・ mylen 'mill' [L molina]
・ pearroc 'enclosure; fence that forms an enclosure' [perhaps L parricus]
・ pīsle or pisle 'warm room' [L pensilis]
・ plætse, plæce, plæse 'open place in a town, square, street' [L platea]
・ port 'town with a harbour; harbour, port; town (especially one with a wall or a market)' [L portus]
・ post 'post; doorpost' [L postis]
・ pytt 'hole in the ground; excavated hole; pit; grave; hell' [pherlaps L puteus]
・ sċindel 'roof shingle' [L scindula]
・ solor 'upper room; hall, dwelling; raised platform' [L solarium]
・ tīġle, tīgele, tigele 'earthen vessel; potshert; tile, brick' [L tegula]
・ torr 'tower' [L turris]
・ weall 'wall, rampart, earthwork' [L vallum]
・ wīċ 'dwelling; village; camp, fortress' [L visum]
・ ? port 'gate, gateway' [L porta]
・ ? prtiċ 'porch, portico, vestibule, chapel' [L poorticus]
[ Containers, vessels, and receptacles ]
・ amber 'vessel, dry or liquid measure' [L amphora, ampora]
・ binn, binne 'basket, bin; manger' [L benna]
・ buteruc 'bottle' [perhaps from a derivative of L buttis]
・ byden 'vessel, container; cask, tub; tub-shaped geographical feature' [probably L *butina]
・ bytt 'bottle, flask, cask, wine skin' [L *buttia]
・ ċelċ, cælc, calic 'drinking vessel, cup' [L calic-, calix]
・ ċist, ċest 'chest, box, coffer; reliquary; coffin' [L cista]
・ cuppe 'cup', also copp 'cup, beaker; gloss for Latin spongia sponge' [L cuppa]
・ cȳf 'large jar, vessel, or tub' [L cupia < cupa]
・ cȳfl 'tub, bucket' [L cupellus]
・ cyll, cylle 'leather bottle, leather bag; ladele; oil lamp' [L culleus]
・ disċ 'dish, bowl, plate' [L discus]
・ earc, earce, earca, also arc, arce, arca 'ark (especially Noah's ark or the ark of the covenent), chest, coffer' [L arca]
・ gabote, gafote kind of dish or platter [L gabata]
・ ġellet 'jug, bowl, or basin' [L galleta]
・ læfel, lebil 'spoon, cup, bowl, vessel' [L labellum]
・ orc 'pitcher, crock, cup' [L orca]
・ pott 'pot' [perhaps L pottus]
・ sacc, also sæcc 'sack, bag' [L saccus]
・ sester 'jar, vessel; a measure' [L sextarius]
・ spyrte 'basket' [probably L sporta, *sportea]
・ ? cæpse 'box' [L copsa]
・ ? sċrīn 'chest; shrine' [L scrinium]
・ ? sċutel 'dish, platter' [L scutella]
・ ? tunne 'cask, tun, barrel' [L tunna]
[ Coins, money; wights and measures, units of measurement ]
・ dīner, dīnor type of coin, denarius [L denarius]
・ mīl 'mile' [L milia]
・ mydd 'a measure' [L modius]
・ mynet 'a coin; coinage, money' [L moneta]
・ oma 'a liquid measure' [L ama]
・ pund 'pound (in weight or money); pint' [L pondo]
・ trimes 'unit of weight, a dracm; name of a coin' [L tremissis]
・ ynċe 'inch' [L uncia]
・ yntse 'ounce' [L uncia]
[ Transactions and payments ]
・ ċēap 'perchase, sale, transaction, market, possessions, price' [L cauō or caupōnārī]
・ toll, also toln, tolne 'toll, tribute, rent, duty' [L toloneum]
・ trifet 'tribute' [L tributum]
[ Clothing; fabric ]
・ belt 'belt, girdle' [L balteus]
・ bīsæċċ 'pocket' [L bisaccium]
・ cælis 'foot-covering', also (later) calc 'sandal' [L calceus]
・ ċemes 'shirt, undergarment' [L camisia]
・ ġecorded 'having cords, corded (or perhaps fringed)' [L corda]
・ cugele '(monk's) cowl' [L cuculla]
・ fifele 'broach, clasp' [L fibula]
・ mentel 'cloak' [L mantellum]
・ pæll, pell 'fine or rich cloth; purple cloth; altar cloth rich robe' [L pallium]
・ pyleċe 'fur robe' [L pellicia]
・ seolc 'silk' [perhaps L sericum]
・ sīde 'silk' [L seta]
・ *sīric 'silk' [perhals L sericum]
・ socc 'light shoe' [L soccus]
・ swiftlēre 'slipper' [L subtalaris]
・ ? orel, orl 'robe, garment, veil, mantle' [L orale, orarium]
・ ? purpure, purpur 'deep crimson garment; deep crimson colour (imperial purple)' [L purpura]
・ ? sabon 'sheet' [L sabanum]
・ ? tæpped, teped 'cloth wall or floor covering' [L tapetum, tappetum]
[ Furniture and furnishing ]
・ meatte, matte 'mat; underlay for a bed' [L matta]
・ mēse, mīse 'table' [L mensa]
・ pyle, pylu 'pillow, cushion' [L pulvinus]
・ sċamol, sċemol, sċeomol, sċeamol 'stool, footstool, bench' [L *scamellum]
・ strǣl, strēaġl 'curtain; quilt, matting, bed' [L stragula]
・ strǣt 'bed' [L stratum]
[ Precious stones ]
・ ġimm 'gem, precious stone, jewel; also in figurative use' [L gemma]
・ meregrot 'pearl' [L margarita, but showing folk-etymological alteration after an English word for 'sea' and (probably) an English word for 'fragment, particple']
・ pærl '(very doubtfully) pearl' [perhals L *perla]
[ Roles, ranks, and occupations (non-religious or not specifically religious) ]
・ cāsere 'emperor; ruler' [L caesar]
・ fullere 'fuller' [L fullo]
・ mangere 'merchant, trader' [L mango]
・ mæġester, also (later) māgister or magister 'leader, master, teacher' [L magister]
・ myltestre 'prostitute' [L meretrix, with remodelling of the ending after the Old English feminine agent noun suffix -estre]
・ prafost, also profost 'head, chief, officer' [L praepositus, propositus]
・ sūtere 'shoumaker' [L sutor]
[ Punishment, judgement, codes of behaviour ]
・ pīn 'pain, fortune, anguish, punishment' [L poena]
・ regol, reogol 'rule; principle; code of rules; wooden ruler' [L regula]
・ sċrift 'something decreed as a penalty; penance; absolution; confessor; judge' [L scriptum]
[ Verbs ]
・ *cōfrian 'to recover' (implied by acōfrian in the same meaning) [L recuperare]
・ *cyrtan 'to shorten' (implied by cyrtel 'garment, tunic, cloak, gown' and (probably) ġecyrted 'cut off, shortened') [L curtus, adjective]
・ dīligian 'to erase, rub out; to destroy, obliterate' [L delere]
・ impian 'to graft; to busy oneself with' [L imputare]
・ *mūtian (implied by bemūtian 'to exchange' and mūtung 'exchange') [L mutare]
・ *nēomian 'to sound sweetly' or *nēome 'sound' [L neuma, noun]
・ pinsian 'to weigh, consider, reflect' [L pensare]
・ pīpian 'to play on a pipe' [L pipare]
・ pluccian 'to pluck' [perhaps L *piluccare]
・ *pundrian (implied by apyndrian, apundrian 'to weigh, to adjudge') [L ponderare, if not a derivative of OE punduru]
・ pynġan 'to prick' [L pungere]
・ sċrīfan 'to allot, prescribe, impose; to hear confession; to receive absolution; to have regard to' [L scribere]
・ seġlian 'to seal' [L sigillare]
・ seġnian 'to make the sign of the cross; to consecrate, bless' [L signare, if not < OE seġn]
・ *-stoppian (implied by forstoppian) 'to obstruct, stop up' [perhaps L *stuppare]
・ trifulian 'to break, bruise, stamp' [L tribulare]
・ tyrnan, turnian 'to turn, revolve' [L turnare]
・ ? cystan 'to get the value of, exchange for the worth of' [L constare]
・ ? dihtan, dihtian 'to direct, command, arrange, set forth' [L dictare]
・ ? glēsan 'to gloss, explain' [L glossare (verb) or glossa (noun)]
・ ? lafian 'to pour water on, to bathe, wash' [L lavare]
・ ? *pilian 'to peel, strip, pluck' [L pilare]
・ ? plantian 'to plant' [L plantare, or < OE plante]
・ ? *pyltan 'to pelt' (implied by later pilt, pelt) [perhaps L *pultiare, alteration of pultare]
・ ? sealtian 'to dance' [L saltare]
・ ? trahtian 'to comment on, expound; to interpret' [L tractare, if not < OE traht]
[ Adjectives ]
・ cirps, crisp 'curly, curly haired' [L crispus]
・ cyrten 'beautiful' [perhals L *cortinus]
・ pīs 'heavy' [L pensus]
・ sicor 'sure, certain; secure' [L securus]
・ sȳfre 'clean, pure, sober' [L sobrius]
・ byxen 'of box wood' [probably L buxeus]
・ ? cūsc 'virtuous, chaste' [L conscius, perhaps via Old Saxon kusko]
[ Miscellaneous ]
・ candel, condel 'candle, taper', (in figurative contexts) 'source of light' [L candela]
・ ċēas, ċēast 'quarrel, strife; reproof' [L causa]
・ ċeosol, ċesol 'hut; gullet; belly' [L casula, casella]
・ copor 'copper' [L cuprum]
・ derodine 'scarlet' [probably L dirodinum]
・ munt 'mountain, hill' [L mont-, mons]
・ plūm-, in plmfeðer '(inplural) down, feathers' [L pluma]
・ sælmeriġe 'brine' [L *salmuria]
・ sætern- (in sæterndæġ 'Saturday') [L Saturnus]
・ seġn 'mark, sign, banner' [L signum]
・ tasul, teosol 'dice; small square of stone' [L tessella, *tassellus]
・ tæfl 'piece used in a board game, dice; type of game played on a board, game of dice; board on which this is played' [L tabula]
・ -ere, forming agent nouns [probably L -arius; if so, borrowed early]
・ -estre, forming feminine agent nouns [perhaps L -istria]
・ ? coron-(bēag) 'crown' [L corona]
・ ? diht 'act of directing or arranging; direction, arrangement, command' [L dictum]
・ ? *pill (perhaps shown by pillsāpe soap for removing hair, depilatory) [perhals L pilus 'hair']
・ Durkin, Philip. Borrowed Words: A History of Loanwords in English. Oxford: OUP, 2014.
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