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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2013-03-05

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2013-03-05 Tue

#1408. インク壺語論争 [popular_passage][inkhorn_term][loan_word][lexicology][emode][renaissance][latin][greek][purism]

 16世紀のインク壺語 (inkhorn term) を巡る問題の一端については,昨日の記事「#1407. 初期近代英語期の3つの問題」 ([2013-03-04-1]) 以前にも,「#478. 初期近代英語期に湯水のように借りられては捨てられたラテン語」 ([2010-08-18-1]) ,「#576. inkhorn term と英語辞書」 ([2010-11-24-1]) ほか inkhorn_term の各記事で触れてきた.インク壺語批判の先鋒としては,[2010-11-24-1]で引用した The Arte of Rhetorique (1553) の著者 Thomas Wilson (1528?--81) が挙げられるが,もう1人挙げるとするならば Sir John Cheke (1514--57) がふさわしい.Cheke は自らがギリシア語学者でありながら,古典語からのむやみやたらな借用を強く非難した.同じくギリシア語学者である Roger Ascham (1515?--68) も似たような態度を示していた点が興味深い.Cheke は Sir Thomas Hoby に宛てた手紙 (1561) のなかで,純粋主義の主張を行なった(Baugh and Cable, pp. 217--18 より引用).

I am of this opinion that our own tung shold be written cleane and pure, unmixt and unmangeled with borowing of other tunges, wherin if we take not heed by tijm, ever borowing and never payeng, she shall be fain to keep her house as bankrupt. For then doth our tung naturallie and praisablie utter her meaning, when she bouroweth no counterfeitness of other tunges to attire her self withall, but useth plainlie her own, with such shift, as nature, craft, experiens and folowing of other excellent doth lead her unto, and if she want at ani tijm (as being unperfight she must) yet let her borow with suche bashfulnes, that it mai appeer, that if either the mould of our own tung could serve us to fascion a woord of our own, or if the old denisoned wordes could content and ease this neede, we wold not boldly venture of unknowen wordes.

 Erasmus の Praise of Folly を1549年に英訳した Sir Thomas Chaloner も,インク壺語の衒学たることを揶揄した(Baugh and Cable, p. 218 より引用).

Such men therfore, that in deede are archdoltes, and woulde be taken yet for sages and philosophers, maie I not aptelie calle theim foolelosophers? For as in this behalfe I have thought good to borowe a littell of the Rethoriciens of these daies, who plainely thynke theim selfes demygods, if lyke horsleches thei can shew two tongues, I meane to mingle their writings with words sought out of strange langages, as if it were alonely thyng for theim to poudre theyr bokes with ynkehorne termes, although perchaunce as unaptly applied as a gold rynge in a sowes nose. That and if they want suche farre fetched vocables, than serche they out of some rotten Pamphlet foure or fyve disused woords of antiquitee, therewith to darken the sence unto the reader, to the ende that who so understandeth theim maie repute hym selfe for more cunnyng and litterate: and who so dooeth not, shall so muche the rather yet esteeme it to be some high mattier, because it passeth his learnyng.

 "foolelosophers" とは厳しい.
 このようにインク壺語批判はあったが,時代の趨勢が変わることはなかった.インク壺語を(擁護したとは言わずとも)穏健に容認した Sir Thomas Elyot (c1490--1546) や Richard Mulcaster (1530?--1611) などの主たる人文主義者たちの示した態度こそが,時代の潮流にマッチしていたのである.
 なお,OED によると,ink-horn term という表現の初出は1543年.

 ・ Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language. 5th ed. London: Routledge, 2002.

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