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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2020-03-05

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2020-03-05 Thu

#3965. 古英語の方言区分が難しい理由 [oe_dialect][oe][dialectology][periodisation]

 古英語の方言区分については「#1433. 10世紀以前の古英語テキストの分布」 ([2013-03-30-1]) で地図を掲げた.Northumbrian, Mercian, Kentish, West-Saxon ときれいに分かれているようにみえるが,古英語期特有の込み入った事情があり,実際には不明な点が多いことに注意しておく必要がある.Hogg (4) が3点挙げている.

. . . it is important to recognize that it is open to several major caveats and objections. Firstly, it is well known that these dialects refer only to actual linguistic material, and therefore there are large areas of the country, most obviously East Anglia, about whose dialect status we cannot know directly from OE evidence. Secondly, the nomenclature adopted is derived from political structures whereas most of the writing we have is to be more directly associated with ecclesiastical structures. Thirdly, the type of approach which leads to the above division is a product of the Stammbaum and its associated theories, whereas modern dialectology, either synchronic or diachronic ... demonstrates that such a rigidly demarcated division is ultimately untenable. It would be preferable to consider each text as an 'informant', ... which is more or less closely related to other texts on an individual basis, with the classification of texts into dialect groups being viewed as a process determined by the purposes of the linguistic analysis at hand, rather than as some a priori fact. . . .

 まとめれば,古英語期からの証拠 (evidence) の分布が時期や地域によってバラバラであり量も少ないこと,地域方言の存在の背景にある当時の社会言語学的な事情が不詳であること,そして様々な程度の方言間接触があったはずであることの3点である.いずれも方言区分しようとする際に頭の痛い問題であることは容易に理解される.引用の最後に明言されているように,古英語の方言区分は,当面の言語分析のための仮説上の構築物ととらえておくのが妥当である.この点では,時代区分 (periodisation) の問題にも近いといえる.

 ・ Hogg, Richard M. A Grammar of Old English. Vol. 1. 1992. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

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