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Chaucer など中英語の文学テキストをはじめとして,英語史で引用されることの多い主要な作品の略記を一覧にしておくと便利である.そこで,『英語語源辞典』 (xvii--xx) より,中英語作品,Chaucer,Shakespeare,聖書の書名の略記を抜き出した.関連して MED の HyperBibliography も参照.
ME期主要作品の成立年代と作品名(MED による略形)
?lateOE | Lambeth Homilies |
a1121--60 | Peterb. Chron. = Peterborough Chronicle |
c1175 | Body & Soul |
?c1175 | Poema Morale |
?a1200 | Ancrene Riwle |
?a1200 | Layamon Brut |
?c1200 | St. Juliana |
?c1200 | St. Katherine |
?c1200 | St. Margaret |
?c1200 | Hali Meidenhad |
?c1200 | Sawles Warde |
?c1200 | Ormulum |
c1200 | Vices & Virtues |
?c1225 | Horn |
c1250 | Owl & Nightingale |
c1250 | Floris |
c1250 | Genesis & Exodus |
c1275 | Kentish Sermons |
?a1300 | Kyng Alisaunder |
?a1300 | Richard Coer de Lyon |
c1300 | Havelok |
c1300 | Gloucester Chronicle |
c1300 | South English Legendary |
c1303 | Mannyng Handlyng Synne |
a1325 | Cursor Mundi |
c1330 | Orfeo |
a1333 | Shoreham Poems |
a1338 | Mannyng Chronicle |
1340 | Ayenbite |
c1340 | Rolle Psalter |
c1350 | Prose Psalter |
c1353 | Wynnere & Wastoure |
a1375 | William of Palerne |
1375 | Barbour The Bruce |
a1376 | Piers Plowman A |
a1378 | Piers Plowman B |
?c1380 | Cleanness |
?c1380 | Patience |
?c1380 | Pearl |
c1384 | Wycl. Bible (1) = Wycliffite Bible |
c1386 | St. Erkenwald |
?a1387 | Piers Plowman C |
a1387 | Trevisa Polychronicon |
?c1390 | Gawain = Sir Gawain and the Green Knight |
a1393 | Gower Confessio Amantis |
c1395 | Wycl. Bible (2) = Wycliffite Bible |
?c1395 | Pierce the Ploughman's Creed |
a1396 | Hilton Scale of Perfection |
a1398 | Trevisa Bartholomew |
?a1400 | Destruction of Troy |
?a1400 | Morte Arthure |
c1400 | Mandeville |
?a1425 | Polychronicon (Harley) |
?a1425 | Chauliac (1) = Guy de Chauliac's Grande Chirurgie |
?c1425 | Chauliac (2) = Guy de Chauliac's Grande Chirurgie |
?a1438 | MKempe = Book of Margery Kempe |
1440 | Promp. Parv. = Promptorium Parvulorum |
?a1450 | Gesta Romanorum |
a1470 | Malory |
ABC | An ABC |
Adam | Chaucers Wordes Unto Adam, His Owne Scriveyn |
Anel. | Anelida and Arcite |
Astr. | A Treatise on the Astrolabe |
Bal. Ch. | A Balade of Complaint |
BD | The Book of the Duchess |
Bo. | Boece |
Buk. | Lenvoy de Chaucer a Bukton |
Comp. A. | Complaynt D'Amours |
Comp. L. | Complaint to His Lady |
CT. | The Canterbury Tales |
CT. Cl. | The Clerk's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Co. | The Cook's Prologue and Tale |
CT. CY. | The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Fkl. | The Franklin's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Fri. | The Friar's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Kn. | The Knight's Tale |
CT. Mch. | The Merchant's Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue |
CT. Mk. | The Monk's Tale |
CT. Mcp. | The Manciple's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Mel. | The Tale of Melibee |
CT. Mil. | The Miller's Prologue and Tale |
CT. ML. | The Man of Law's Introduction, Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue |
CT. Mk. | The Monk's Prologue and Tale |
CT. NP. | The Nun's Priest's Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue |
CT. Pard. | The Pardoner's Introduction, Prologue, and Tale |
CT. Pars. | The Parson's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Ph. | The Physician's Tale |
CT. Pri. | The Prioress's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Prol. | General Prologue |
CT. Rt. | Chaucer's Retraction |
CT. Rv. | The Reeve's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Sh. | The Shipman's Tale |
CT. SN. | The Second Nun's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Spurious Pard. Sh. Link | The Spurious Pardoner-Shipman Link |
CT. Sq. | The Squire's Introduction and Tale |
CT. Sum. | The Summoner's Prologue and Tale |
CT. Th. | The Prologue and Tale of Sir Thopas |
CT. WB. | The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale |
Form. A. | The Former Age |
Fort. | Fortune |
Gent. | Gentilesse |
HF | The House of Fame |
LGW | The Legend of Good Women |
LGW Prol. | Prologue |
L. St. | Lak of Stedfastnesse |
Mars | The Complaint of Mars |
Merc. B. | Merciles Beaute |
PF | The Parliament of Fowls |
Pity | The Complaint unto Pity |
Prov. | Proverbs |
Purse | The Complaint of Chaucer to His Purse |
Rosem. | To Rosemounde |
RRose | The Romaunt of the Rose |
Scog. | Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan |
TC | Troilus and Criseyde |
Truth | Truth |
Ven. | The Complaint of Venus |
W. Unc. | Against Women Unconstant |
AWW | All's Well That Ends Well |
AYL | As You Like It |
Ado | Much Ado About Nothing |
Ant | Antony and Cleopatra |
Cor | Coriolanus |
Cym | Cymbeline |
Err | The Comedy of Errors |
1H4 | 1 Henry IV |
2H4 | 2 Henry IV |
H5 | Henry V |
1H6 | 1 Henry VI |
2H6 | 2 Henry VI |
3H6 | 3 Henry VI |
H8 | Henry VIII |
Ham | Hamlet |
JC | Julius Caesar |
Jn | King John |
LC | Lover's Complaint |
LLL | Love's Labour's Lost |
Lr | King Lear |
Luc | The Rape of Lucrece |
MM | Measure for Measure |
MND | A Midsummer-Night's Dream |
MV | The Merchant of Venice |
MWW | The Merry Wives of Windsor |
Mac | Macbeth |
Oth | Othello |
Per | Pericles |
Phoe | The Phoenix and Turtle |
R2 | Richard II |
R3 | Richard III |
RJ | Romeo and Juliet |
Shr | The Taming of the Shrew |
Son | Sonnets |
TC | Troilus and Cressida |
TGV | The Two Gentlemen of Verona |
TNK | The Two Noble Kinsmen (with Fletcher) |
TN | Twelfth Night |
Tem | Tempest |
Tim | Timon of Athens |
Tit | Titus Andronicus |
VA | Venus and Adonis |
WT | The Winter's Tale |
Acts | The Acts of the Apostles |
Amos | Amos |
1 Chron. | The First Book of the Chronicles |
2 Chron. | The Second Book of the Chronicles |
Col. | The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians |
1 Cor. | The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians |
2 Cor. | The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians |
Dan. | The Book of Daniel |
Deut. | The Fifth Book of Moses, called Deuteronomy |
Eccles. | Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher |
Ephes. | The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians |
Esth. | The Book of Esther |
Exod. | The Second Book of Moses, called Exodus |
Ezek. | The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel |
Ezra | Ezra |
Gal. | The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians |
Gen. | The First Book of Moses, called Genesis |
Hab. | Habakkuk |
Hag. | Haggai |
Heb. | The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews |
Hos. | Hosea |
Isa. | The Book of the Prophet Isaiah |
James | The General Epistle of James |
Jer. | The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah |
Job | The Book of Job |
Joel | Joel |
John | The Gospel according to St. John |
1 John | The First Epistle General of John |
2 John | The Second Epistle of John |
3 John | The Third Epistle of John |
Jonah | Jonah |
Josh. | The Book of Joshua |
Jude | The General Epistle of Jude |
Judges | The Book of Judges |
1 Kings | The First Book of the Kings |
2 Kings | The Second Book of the Kings |
Lam. | The Lamentations of Jeremiah |
Lev. | The Third Book of Moses, called Leviticus |
Luke | The Gospel according to St. Luke |
Mal. | Malachi |
Mark | The Gospel according to St. Mark |
Matt. | The Gospel according to St. Matthew |
Mic. | Micah |
Nah. | Nahum |
Neh. | The Book of Nehemiah |
Num. | The Fourth Book of Moses, called Numbers |
Obad. | Obadiah |
1 Pet. | The First Epistle General of Peter |
2 Pet. | The Second Epistle General of Peter |
Philem. | The Epistle of Paul to Philemon |
Philip. | The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians |
Prov. | The Proverbs |
Ps. | The Book of Psalms |
Rev. | The Revelation of St. John the Divine |
Rom. | The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans |
Ruth | The Book of Ruth |
1 Sam. | The First Book of Samuel |
2 Sam. | The Second Book of Samuel |
Song of Sol. | The Song of Solomon |
1 Thess. | The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians |
2 Thess. | The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians |
1 Tim. | The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy |
2 Tim. | The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy |
Titus | The Epistle of Paul to Titus |
Zech. | Zechariah |
Zeph. | Zephaniah |
紊???? (Apocrypha) | |
Baruch | Baruch |
Bel and Dragon | The History of the Destruction of Bel and the Dragon |
Ecclus. | The Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus |
1 Esd. | I. Esdras |
2 Esd. | II. Esdras |
Judith | Judith |
1 Macc. | The First Book of the Maccabees |
2 Macc. | The Second Book of the Maccabees |
Pr. of Man | The Prayer of the Manasses |
Rest of Esther | The Rest of the Chapters of the Book of Esther |
Song of Three Children | The Song of the Three Holy Children |
Susanna | The History of Susanna |
Tobit | Tobit |
Wisd. of Sol. | The Wisdom of Solomon |
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