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2021-03-31 Wed

#4356. friend の綴字と発音について補足 [spelling][spelling_pronunciation_gap][vowel][trish][shocc][gvs][diphthong]

 昨日の記事「#4355. friend の綴字と発音」 ([2021-03-30-1]) で,<friend> ≡ /frɛnd/ の不規則さについて歴史的な説明を施したが,説明に当たって参照した典拠を示しておこう.まずは Jespersen (§4.312) から.

The short [e] now found in friend OE frēond must be due to the analogy of friendship, friendly, in which /e/ is the usual shortening; in friend we have early /iˑ/ (< /eˑ/) in B 1633, while D 1640, J 1764, W 1775, 1791 etc.. have short /e/, and G 1621 and others a short /i/ due to a shortening subsequent on the transition of /eˑ/ > /iˑ/. Cf. fiend OE fēond, which kept its vowel because no derived words were found to influence it.

 関連して,Jespersen (§3.241) は give, live などもかつては長母音をもっていたことに触れている.
 次に Upward and Davidson (178) より.

In late Old English, short vowels were lengthened before consonant sequences such as /mb/, /nd/, /ld/ and /rd/. This lengthening was lost again in many cases by the end of the Middle English period. With the action of the GVS, one sees modern reflexes of the remaining long vowels in words such as climb, bind, mild, yield, old, etc. However, in some words there was a subsequent shortening of the vowel, leading to pairs of words similar or identical in spelling in Modern English but with different pronunciations: wind (verb, with /aɪ/) but wind (noun, with /ɪ/), fiend and friend, etc.

 さらに,Dobson (Vol. 2, §9) も参照した.

Shortening of OE ē to occurs in a number of words beside forms that preserve the long vowel. The shortening is normal in bless and brethren, but for both of these Hart shows [i:] < ME ę̄. The comparative liefer (OE lēofra) has four times beside ę̄ once in Bullokar. In friend the shortening is probably due to derivatives (friendly, friendship) in which the vowel occurs before a group of three consonants in words which (in the case of friendly in oblique forms) were trisyllabic and had a secondary stress; but it might also tend to occur in oblique cases of the simplex in which the n and d were separated by the syllable-division. ME is recorded by Levins and eleven later sources (including Robinson, Hodges, and Cooper); but ę̄ is retained by Salesbury, Cheke, Laneham, Bullokar, Wharton (followed by J. Smith), and Price (followed by Lye and The Protestant Tutor). Fiend is not recorded with ME .

 Dobson (Vol. 2, §11) からもう1つ.

Friend has in the Welsh Hymn, Mulcaster, Gil, Wallis, Lloyd, Poole, Coles, Lye (beside ę̄), WSC (beside ), Price's 'homophone' list (though elsewhere he records [i:]), the rhymes of Poole and Coles, and perhaps in Ray . . . . Fiends has in the Welsh Hymn and the 'homophone' lists of Hodges ('near alike'), Price, Coles (Eng.-Lat. Dict.), and WSC (the pairing is with fins); it has [i:] in Wallis. Bullokar rhymes field on (cf., probably, Chaucer's hild 'held' and fil 'fell' < earlier hę̄ld, fę̄ll).

 たかが friend の発音と綴字に関する素朴な疑問のようにみるかもしれないが,歴史的な変化と変異の機微は限りなく精緻である.

 ・ Jespersen, Otto. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part 1. Sounds and Spellings. London: Allen and Unwin, 1909.
 ・ Upward, Christopher and George Davidson. The History of English Spelling. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
 ・ Dobson, E. J. English Pronunciation 1500--1700. 1st ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1957. 2 vols.

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