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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2019-11-28

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2019-11-28 Thu

#3867. Optimality Theory --- 話し手と聞き手のニーズを考慮に入れた音韻理論 [ot][phonology][phonetics][sound_change]


 ・ 「#1932. 言語変化と monitoring (1)」 ([2014-08-11-1])
 ・ 「#1933. 言語変化と monitoring (2)」 ([2014-08-12-1])
 ・ 「#1934. audience design」 ([2014-08-13-1])
 ・ 「#1935. accommodation theory」 ([2014-08-14-1]))
 ・ 「#1936. 聞き手主体で生じる言語変化」 ([2014-08-15-1])
 ・ 「#2150. 音変化における聞き手の役割」 ([2015-03-17-1])
 ・ 「#2586. 音変化における話し手と聞き手の役割および関係」 ([2016-05-26-1])
 ・ 「#3378. 音声的偏りを生み出す4要因」 ([2018-07-27-1])

 「#3848. ランキングの理論 "Optimality Theory"」 ([2019-11-09-1]) で紹介した最適性理論 (Optimality Theory) は,上記の2つのニーズのバランスを考慮している.OT の基本的な考え方を解説した Carr and Montreuil (258--59) より,関連する解説を引こう.

The basic architecture of the model is straightforward: a set of constraints CON represents the priorities obeyed by the grammar of a language. These constraints are violable, universal and ranked in a hierarchy. A generating function GEN provides the output candidates for a given input and an evaluation function EVAL determines the relative desirability of each output; most critically it determines which of these outputs is the optimal candidate, the 'winner'.
. . . .
   OT . . . attempts to explain why outputs may differ from inputs. It does so by encoding markedness directly into the grammar. Most constraints are formulated negatively and penalize the markedness of undesirable results; they point to marked structures or articulations, and their paraphrases read like lists of what not to do; for instance 'avoid (marked) sonority differentials', 'avoid (marked) complex articulations', 'avoid (marked) labial codas'. These markedness constraints make no reference to the input, they simply evaluate the intrinsic desirability of outputs.
   Be penalising marked constructs, markedness constraints optimise language towards ease of articulation and simple structures. Assimilations and mergers usually respond to the desire to minimise effort. But this is counterbalanced by the need to keep articulations clear, words distinct and intonations contrastive. Effective communication, and language use in general, attempts to reach a satisfactory equilibrium between the drive to simplify phonetic forms and the need to be understood. In OT, this balance is achieved by pitting against each other markedness constraints and faithfulness constraints.


 ・ Carr, Philip and Jean-Pierre Montreuil. Phonology. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Referrer (Inside): [2021-08-20-1] [2020-01-10-1]

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