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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2016-11-05

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2016-11-05 Sat

#2749. "Present Perfect Puzzle" --- 近現代英語からの「違反」例 [perfect][aspect][tense][adverb][present_perfect_puzzle][mode]

 「#2492. 過去を表わす副詞と完了形の(不)共起の歴史 」 ([2016-02-22-1]),「#2633. なぜ現在完了形は過去を表わす副詞と共起できないのか --- Present Perfect Puzzle」 ([2016-07-12-1]) で紹介したように,現代英語には,現在完了と過去の特定の時点を表わす副詞語句は共起できないという規則がある.ところが,近代英語やとりわけ中英語では,このような共起の例が散見される.現代英語にかけて,なぜこのような制限規則が定まったのかという問題,いわゆる "Present Perfect Puzzle" については,様々な提案がなされてきたが,完全には解明されていない.
 Visser (2197) より,近代英語期,さらに20世紀を含む時代からの例をいくつか引こう.

 ・ 1601 Shakesp., All's Well IV, iii, 3, I have delivered it an hour since.
 ・ 1669 Pepys's Diary April 11th, which I have forgot to set down in my Journal yesterday.
 ・ 1777 Sheridan, School f. Sc. I, i, I am told he has had another execution in the house yesterday.
 ・ 1820 Scott. Monastery XXX, The Englishman . . . has murdered young Halbert . . . yesterday morning.
 ・ 1847 Ch. Brontë, Jane Eyre XVI, Indeed I have seen Blanche, six or seven years ago, when she was a girl of eighteen.
 ・ 1912 Standard, Aug. 16, Prince Henry has decided to travel to Tokio by the overland route. Twice already he has visited Japan, in 1892 and 1900 (Kri).
 ・ 1920 Galsworthy, In Chancery IV, I have been to Richmond last Sunday.
 ・ 1962 Everyman's Dictionary of Literary Biography p. 609--10, He [sc. Shakespeare] is, of course, unmeasurably the greatest of all English writers, and has been so recognized even in those periods that were antipathetic to the Elizabethan genius.

 このような現代的な規則から逸脱している例について,Visser (2197) は他の研究者を参照しつつ次のように述べている.

Several scholars (e.g. 1958 F. T. Wood; 1926 Poutsma) account for these idioms by suggesting that the writer or speaker has embarked on the given form before the idea of a temporal adjunct comes into his mind, and then adds this adjunct as a kind of afterthought. Another explanation is based on the assumption that instances like those quoted here may be seen as survivals of a usage that formerly---when there was not yet the strict line of demarcation between the different uses---occurred quite normally.

 ここでは2つの提案がなされているが,前者の "afterthought" 説は理解しやすい.しかし,上記の例のすべてが,後から思いついての付け足しとして説明できるかどうかは,客観的に判断できないように思われる.第2の「古くからの残存」説は,その通りなのかもしれないが,現代英語にかけてくだんの共起制限が課されたのはなぜかという "Present Perfect Puzzle" に直接に迫るものではない.

 ・ Visser, F. Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. 3 vols. Leiden: Brill, 1963--1973.

Referrer (Inside): [2016-11-06-1]

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