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2014-09-25 Thu

#1977. 言語変化における言語接触の重要性 (1) [contact][language_change][causation][linguistic_area][invisible_hand]

 歴史言語学のハンドブックより,Drinka による言語接触論を読んだ.接触言語学を紹介しその意義を主張するという目的で書かれた文章であり,予想通り言語変化における外的要因の重要性が強調されているの.要点をよく突いているという印象を受けた.
 Drinka は,接触言語学の分野で甚大な影響力をもつ Thomason and Kaufman の主張におよそ沿いながら,言語接触の条件や効果を考察するにあたって最重要のパラメータは,言語どうしの言語学的な類似性や相違性ではなく,言語接触の質と量であると論じる.また,Milroy や Mufwene の主張に沿って,言語変化は話者個人間の接触に端を発し,それが共同体へ広まってゆくものであるという立場をとる.さらに,通常の言語変化も,言語圏 (linguistic_area) の誕生も,ピジン語やクレオール語の生成過程にみられる激しい言語変化も,いずれもメカニズムは同じであると見ており,言語変化における言語接触の役割は一般に信じられているよりも大きく,かつありふれたものであると主張する.このような立場は,他書より Normalfall や "[contact . . . viewed as] potentially present in some way in virtually every given case of language change" と引用していることからも分かる.
 Drinka の論考の結論部を引用しよう.

In conclusion, contact has emerged in recent studies as a more essential element in triggering linguistic innovation than had previously been assumed. Contact provides the context for change, in making features of one variety accessible to speakers of another. Bilingual or bidialectal speakers with access to the social values of features in both systems serve as a link between the two, a conduit of innovation from one variety to another. When close cultural contact among speakers of different varieties persists over long periods, linguistic areas can result, reflecting the ebb and flow of influence of one culture upon another. When speakers of mutually unintelligible languages encounter one another in the context of social symmetry, such as for purposes of trade, contact varieties such as pidgins may result; in contexts of social asymmetry, such as slavery, on the other hand, creoles are a more frequent result, reflecting the adjustments which are made as the contact variety becomes the native language of its users. As Mufwene points out, however, the same principles of change appear to be in operation in contact varieties as in other varieties---it is in the transmission of language and linguistic features from one individual to another, through the impetus of sociolinguistic pressure, where change occurs, and these principles will operate whether the transmission is occurring within or across the boundaries of a variety, as long as sufficient social motivation exists. (342--43)

 実際のところ,私自身も言語変化を論じるにあたって言語接触の役割の重要性をしばしば主張してきたので,大筋において Drinka の意見には賛成である.特に Drinka が Keller の見えざる手 (invisible_hand) の理論への言及など,共感するところが多い.

. . . self-interested individuals incorporate new features into their repertoire in order to align themselves with other individuals and groups, with the unforeseen result that the innovation moves across the population, speaker by speaker. (341)


 ・ 「#443. 言語内的な要因と言語外的な要因はどちらが重要か?」 ([2010-07-14-1])
 ・ 「#1582. 言語内的な要因と言語外的な要因はどちらが重要か? (2)」 ([2013-08-26-1])
 ・ 「#1584. 言語内的な要因と言語外的な要因はどちらが重要か? (3)」 ([2013-08-28-1])

 影響力の大きい Thomason and Kaufman の言語接触論については,以下を参照.

 ・ 「#1779. 言語接触の程度と種類を予測する指標」 ([2014-03-11-1])
 ・ 「#1780. 言語接触と借用の尺度」 ([2014-03-12-1])
 ・ 「#1781. 言語接触の類型論」 ([2014-03-13-1])

 ・ Drinka, Bridget. "Language Contact." Chapter 18 of Continuum Companion to Historical Linguistics. Ed. Silvia Luraghi and Vit Bubenik. London: Continuum, 2010. 325--45.
 ・ Keller, Rudi. On Language Change: The Invisible Hand in Language. Trans. Brigitte Nerlich. London and New York: Routledge, 1994.

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