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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2021-12-05

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2021-12-05 Sun

#4605. 規範英文法ならぬ規範英語史 [historiography][linguistic_ideology][language_myth]

 昨日の記事「#4604. 伝統的な英語史記述の2つの前提 --- ゲルマン系由来と標準英語重視」 ([2021-12-04-1]) に引き続き,伝統的な英語史記述に対する Milroy の批判について考えてみたい.昨日 Milroy の論考の冒頭の1段落を引用したが,その次の段落も実にインパクトが強く,ガツンと頭を殴られたような気がした.

This conventional history, as it appears in written histories of English for the last century or more, can be viewed as a codification -- a codification of the diachrony of the standard language rather than its synchrony. It has the same relationship to this diachrony as handbooks of correctness have to the synchronic standard language. It embodies the received wisdom on what the language was like in the past and how it came to have the form that it has now, and it is regarded as, broadly, definitive.

 "the history of English" は存在しない."alternative histories of English" があるだけである.ただし,ひとときに描けるのは,せいぜい "a history of English" である.その時々で様々にあるものの中から,どの1つを選んで提示するのか.その選択の根拠や狙いは何か.このような問いに常に意識的でありたい.

 ・ Milroy, Jim. "The Legitimate Language: Giving a History to English." Chapter 1 of Alternative Histories of English. Ed. Richard Watts and Peter Trudgill. Abingdon: Routledge, 2002. 7--25.

Referrer (Inside): [2021-12-09-1]

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