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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2011-09-29

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2011-09-29 Thu

#885. Algeo の新語ソースの分類 (3) [word_formation][morphology][borrowing][terminology]

 昨日と一昨日の記事 (##883,884) で取りあげてきた,Algeo による word-making の詳細分類の続編.Algeo の論文の補遺 (129--31) には,彼が9個の基準 (CR1--CR9) により設けた37クラス (CLASS) と,各クラスおよびその下位クラスを代表する63語 (NEW_ITEM) が表の形で示されている.今日は,その表に MAJOR_CLASS なる大分類 (root creation, conversion, clipping, composite, blending, borrowing) の情報を加えたものを掲載する.word-making の分類の際のお供に.

 CR1: Does the new item have an etymon?
 CR2: Does the new item have a borrowed etymon?
 CR3: Does the new item combine two or more etyma?
 CR4: Does the new item shorten an etymon?
 CR5: Does the new item have an etymon that lacks a formal exponent in the item?
 CR6: Does the new item have a phonological motivation?
 CR7: Do the etyma include more than one base? (More precisely: If there is only one etymon, does it consist of more than one base; or if there are several etyma, do at least two contain bases?)
 CR8: Does the new item derive from written rather than spoken etyma?
 CR9: Does the new item add new morphs to the language?

1googol-0000-00+---arbitrary coinage1root creation
2miaow-0000+00+---onomatopoeia2root creation
3fun (adj)+--------fun (n)functional shift3conversion
4watt+--------(James) Wattcommonization3conversion
5grudge+----+--+grutchanalogical reformation4conversion
6splosh+----+--+splashanalogical reformation4conversion
7cónstrùct+----+--+constrúctanalogical reformation4conversion
8mho+----+-++ohmreverse form5conversion
10cab+--+----+cabrioletback clipping (stump word)7clipping
13flu+--+----+influenzafront & back clipping7clipping
14H+--+---++horse, heroininitialism8clipping
15prof+--+---++professorfront clipping8clipping
17jet+--+--+--jet-propelled airplaneclipped compound10clipping
18show biz+--+--+-+show businessclipped compound11clipping
19sitch com+--+--+-+situation comedyclipped compound11clipping
20CO+--+--+++commanding officerinitialism12clipping
21scuba+--+--+++self contained underwater breathing apparatusacronym, 1st order12clipping
22radar+--+--+++radio detecting and rangingacronym, 2nd order12clipping
23Inbex+--+--+++Industrialized Building Expositionacronym, 2nd order12clipping
24Nabisco+--+--+++National Biscuit Companyacronym, 2nd order12clipping
25bit+--+--+++binary digitblend (acronym, 3rd order; acrouronym)12clipping
26Amerindian+--+--+++American Indianblend12clipping
27bus ad+--+--+++business administrationclipped compound (acronym, 4th order)12clipping
28sit com+--+--+++situation comedyclipped compound (acronym, 4th order)12clipping
29vroom+--+-+--+boomonomatopoeia & phonestheme13clipping
31riddle+--+++--+riddles & -sback formation15clipping
32burger+--++++-+hamburger & hamback formation16clipping
33slowly+-+------slow & -lysuffixation17composite
34unloose+-+------un- & looseprefixation17composite
35funhouse+-+---+--fun & housecompound18composite
36abso-damn-lutely+-+---+--absolutely & damnsandwich term18composite
37dice+-+--+--+die & -smetanalysis19composite
38ofay+-+--+--+foe & ayPig Latin19composite
39hotshot+-+--++--hot & shotrime compound20composite
40tiptop+-+--++--tip & topablaut compound20composite
41funny farm+-+--++--funny & farmalliterative compound20composite
42bye bye+-+--++--bye & byereduplication20composite
43goodschmood+-+--++-+good & schm- & goodreduplication with onset substitution21composite
44trouble and strife ("wife")+-+-+++--trouble & and & strife & wiferiming slang22composite
45buxom ("busty")+-+-+++--buxom & bosomclang association22composite
46hanky+-++----+handkerchief & -yclipping & suffix23blending
47happenstance+-++--+--happening & circumstanceblend24blending
48smog+-++--+-+smoke & fogblend25blending
49scrunch+-++--+-+scram/screw/scrimp & bunch/crunch/hunchphonesthemes25blending
50bridegroom+-++-++--bridegoom & groomfolk etymology26blending
51guesstimate+-++-++-+guess & estimateblend27blending
52meld+-++-++-+melt & weldblend27blending
53prepocerous+-++-++-+preposterous & rhinocerosforced rime27blending
54sayonada++------+sayonarapopular adoption28borrowing
55sayonara++-----++sayonaralearned adoption29borrowing
57foot ("metrical unit")+++-+----foot & pēscalque31borrowing
58superman+++-+-+--super & man & &Uum;bermenschloan translation32borrowing
59foe paw+++-+++--foe & paw & faux pasfolk etymology33borrowing
60fox pass+++-++++-fox & pass & faux pasfolk etymology34borrowing
61coffee klatch++++--+-+coffee & Kaffee Klatschloanblend35borrowing
62chaise lounge++++-++++chaise longue & loungeloanblend & folk etymology36borrowing
63tamale++++++--+tamal-es & -smetanalysis37borrowing

 ・ Algeo, John. "The Taxonomy of Word Making." Word 29 (1978): 122--31.

Referrer (Inside): [2012-05-25-1] [2011-10-01-1]

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