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hellog〜英語史ブログ / 2012-05-26

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2012-05-26 Sat

#1125. Chaucer による humility の美徳 [chaucer]

 昨日の記事[2012-05-25-1]で,印欧祖語 *dhghem- から拡がる単語ネットワークを一覧した.human (人間)とは humus (腐植土)を這う humble (謙虚な)生き物ということになる.humility (謙虚,謙遜)といえば,すぐれて東洋的な美徳と考えられがちだが,当然ながら,西洋にもキリスト教にもとづいた humility を重んじる思想はある.Chaucer の The Parson's Tale (ll. 474--82) の説教を和訳つきで引用しよう(Riverside版および笹本訳より).

  Now sith that so is that ye han understonde what is Pride, and whiche been the speces of it, and whennes Pride sourdeth and spryngeth,
  now shul ye understonde which is the remedie agayns the synne of Pride; and that is humylitee, or mekenesse.
  That is a vertu thurgh which a man hath verray knoweleche of hymself, and holdeth of hymself no pris ne deyntee, as in regard of his desertes, considerynge evere his freletee.
  Now been ther three maneres of humylitee: as humylitee in herte; another humylitee is in his mouth; the thridde in his werkes.
  The humilitee in herte is in foure maneres. That oon is whan a man holdeth hymself as noght worth biforn God of hevene. Another is whan he ne despiseth noon oother man.
  The thridde is whan he rekketh nat, though men holde hym noght worth. The ferthe is whan he nys nat sory of his humiliacioun.
  Also the humilitee of mouth is in foure thynges: in attempree speche, and in humblesse of speche, and whan he biknoweth with his owene mouth that he is swich as hym thynketh that he is in his herte. Another is whan he preiseth the bountee of another man, and nothyng therof amenuseth.
  Humilitee eek in werkes is in foure maneres. The firste is whan he putteth othere men biforn hym. The seconde is to chese the loweste place over al. The thridde is gladly to assente to good conseil.
  The ferthe is to stonde gladly to the award of his sovereyns, or of hym that is in hyer degree. Certein, this is a greet werk of humylitee.


 いかにも parson(教区主任司祭)らしい説教である.humility, humiliation, humblesse のほかにも,meekness, not worth, attemper, lowest のような類義のキーワードが続き,印欧祖語 *dhghem- の道徳的な方面への意味の広がりを味わうことができる.

 ・ 笹本 長敬 訳 『カンタベリー物語(全訳)』 英宝社,2002年.

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