堀田が英語学・英語史に関心を持ったきっかけが「英語の複数形とは何ぞや?」であったことから始まり,同じ -s つながりで動詞の3単現の話しに移り,3単現でも -s のつかないイギリス方言があるぞという話題に及びました.さらに,今度はアメリカ方言にまで飛び火し,最後には黒人英語の話題,とりわけ Ebonics 論争に到達しました.10分間の英語学のお散歩を楽しんでいただければ.
・ 「#946. 名詞複数形の歴史の概要」 ([2011-11-29-1])
・ 「#2112. なぜ3単現の -s がつくのか?」 ([2015-02-07-1])
・ 「#2310. 3単現のゼロ」 ([2015-08-24-1])
・ 「#2566. 「3単現の -s の問題とは何か」」 ([2016-05-06-1])
・ 「#4255. なぜ名詞の複数形も動詞の3単現も同じ s なのですか?」 ([2020-12-20-1])
・ 「#591. アメリカ英語が一様である理由」 ([2010-12-09-1])
・ 「#3653. Ebonics 論争」 ([2019-04-28-1])
・ 「#2672. イギリス英語は発音に,アメリカ英語は文法に社会言語学的な価値を置く?」 ([2016-08-20-1])
本日11月20日(土)の 13:00?14:30 に,立命館大学国際言語文化研究所の主催する「国際英語文化の多様性に関する学際研究」プロジェクトの一環として「世界の "English" から "Englishes" の世界へ」のタイトルでお話しさせていただきます(立命館大学の岡本広毅先生,これまでのご準備等,ありがとうございます).Zoom による参加も可能ですので,ご関心のある方はこちらの案内をご覧ください.
また,今朝すでにアップした私の音声ブログ Voicy の番組 「英語の語源が身につくラジオ (heldio)」 では,「立命館大学,岡本広毅先生との対談:国際英語とは何か?」と題する対談を行なっていますので,そちらもぜひ聴いてみてください.
さて,"World Englishes" に関する講演ということで,本日のブログ記事としても世界の様々な英語のサンプルを示したいと思います.ただし "Englishes" の多様性を示すために部分を切り抜いたランダムなサンプルを挙げるにすぎませんので,その点はご了承を.本日の講演では,以下の例を用いて話し始めたいと思っています.よろしくどうぞ.
・ Northern English (Yorkshire): B. Hines, Kes (1968) [qtd. in Gramley 198]
Hey up, where's tha been? They've been looking all over for thee.
・ Scots Leid: Aboot William Loughton Lorimer (2009) [qtd. in Gramley 201]
Lorimer haed aye been interestit in the Scots leid (syne he wis a bairn o nine year auld he haed written doun Scots wirds an eedioms) an his kennin o the strauchles o minority leids that he got frae his readins o the nautral press durin the Weir led him tae feel that something needit daein tae rescue the Scots laid.
・ Tok Pisin: from Mühlhäusler (1986) [qtd. in Gramley 223]
em i tok se papa i gat sik ["he said that the father was sick"]
・ Hawaiian Creole English: from Bickerton (1981) [qtd. in Gramley 226]
Jan bin go wok a hospital ["John would have worked at the hospital"]
・ Jamaican Creole: "William Saves His Sweetheart" [qtd. in Gramley 238]
nóu wants dér wáz, a úol wíč liedi lív, had wán són, níem av wiljəm. ["Once upon a time there was an old witch, who had a son whose name was William."]
・ AAVE (= African American Vernacular English): A. Walker, The Color Purple (1982) [qtd. in Gramley 269]
I seen my baby girl. I knowed it was her. She look just like me and my daddy.
・ Cape Flats SAfE: Malan (1996) [qtd. in Gramley 300]
Now me and E. speaks English. And when we went one day to a workshop --- and uh, most of the teachers there were Africaans --- and we were there; they were looking at us like that you know. And I asked E., "Why's this people staring at us?" She said, "No, I don't know."
・ Nigerian English: "Igbo Girls Like Money a Lot" (2006) (qted. in Gramley 319)
Igbo girls are hardworking, smart, successful and independent so ain't nuffin wrong in them lookin for a hardoworkin, successful man. if u ain't gats the money, they aint gon want u cos u below their level of achievement.
・ Hong Kong English: Joseph (2004) [qtd. in Gramley 321]
However, as Hong Kong is going through an economic down turn recently, we shall have to see. . . Last year we have raised more than two million Hong Kong Dollars.
・ Singapore English [qtd. in Gramley 328]
The tans [= military unit] use to stay in Sarangoon.
・ Gramley, Stephan. The History of English: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012.
African American Vernacular English (= AAVE),いわゆる黒人英語の話題について aave の各記事で取り上げてきた.AAVE の起源と発達を巡っては激しい論争が繰り広げられてきたし,現在も続いている.つまり決定的な解答は与えられていないといってよい.
よく知られているのは,クレオール語起源説 (creolist hypothesis) かイギリス変種起源説 (Anglicist hypothesis) かを巡る対立である.これについては「#1885. AAVE の文法的特徴と起源を巡る問題」 ([2014-06-25-1]),「#2739. AAVE の Creolist Hypothesis と Anglicist Hypothesis 再訪」 ([2016-10-26-1]) などで紹介した.
しかし,AAVE を巡る学史は,この2つの派閥の間の論争の歴史として単純にくくることはできない.ほかにもいくつかの立場があるのだ.Lanehart (1826--27) が,ハンドブックにて6つの立場を端的に解説してくれている.箇条書きで引用しよう(なお,Lanehart は African American Language (= AAL) という呼称を用いている).
(1) Anglicist (aka Dialectologist), which purports that Africans in American (sic) learned regional varieties of British English dialects from British overseers with little to no influence from their own native African languages and cultures;
(2) Creolist, which purports that AAL developed from a prior US creole developed by slaves that was widespread across the colonies and slave-holding areas (though Neo-Creolists acknowledge there likely was not a widespread creole but one that emerged in conditions favorable to creole development);
(3) Substratist, which purports that distinctive patterns of AAL are those that occur in Niger-Congo languages such as Kikongo, Mande, and Kwa;
(4) Ecological and Restructuralist, which is a perspective within the Anglicist position that acknowledges the difficulty of knowing the origins of AAL but proposes that we can say something useful about Earlier AAL (not nascent AAL) given settlement and migration patterns as well as socio-ecological issues;
(5) Divergence/Convergence, which purports that AAL diverges and converges to white varieties over the course of its history with respect to changes in and degrees of racism, segregation, inequalities, and inequities that fluctuate across time and differs (sic) regionally; and
(6) Deficit, which purports that AAL is based on the assumption that Africans in America and their culture are inferior to whites and their language learning as a result was imperfect and bastardized.
・ Lanehart, Sonja L. "Varieties of English: Re-viewing the Origins and History of African American Language." Chapter 117 of English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook. 2 vols. Ed. Alexander Bergs and Laurel J. Brinton. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012. 1826--39.
オランダ語を中心とする低地諸語の英語への影響について,連日「#4444. オランダ借用語の絶頂期は15世紀」 ([2021-06-27-1]) と「#4445. なぜ英語史において低地諸語からの影響が過小評価されてきたのか?」 ([2021-06-28-1]) で取り上げてきた.今回は語彙以外への影響について Hendriks の指摘している2点を取り上げよう.
まず1点目は,中英語期,Flemish 話者の影響により,英語の歯摩擦音 [ð] が,対応する閉鎖音 [d] に置き換えられたのではないかという説について.この説の出所である Samuels を参照した Hendriks (1668) によれば,中英語の Kent, East Sussex, East Surrey の方言より,"the" が de として,thick が dykke として,"this" が dis として文証されるという.Samuels の報告によれば,この "TH-stopping" は上記の地域で15世紀初頭までに起こっており,現在でも指示詞に限られるものの,その効果が残っているという.
2点目は,Trudgill の研究で知られるようになった East Midland 方言における3単現のゼロである (cf. 「#2310. 3単現のゼロ」 ([2015-08-24-1])).Trudgill は,この地域で英語と低地諸語が言語接触し,動詞屈折が多様化・複雑化しすぎた結果,最終的に水平化する方向で解決をみた,という議論により現在の3単現のゼロを説明しようとしている.Hendriks (1668) の説明により,この議論のニュアンスをもう少し丁寧に追ってみよう.
In an article first published in 1997, Trudgill (2002) seeks to understand why the present-tense, third person singular verb forms lack -s in the East Anglian dialects. Surviving evidence suggests that from the 11th to the 15th century, Est Anglian dialects had the original -th form, but by 1700, the zero form had become a typical feature of these dialects. Noting a number of zero forms in the early 17th letters of Katherine Paston, he situates the emergence of the zero forms in the 16th century. This time-frame corresponds to massive migration into East Anglia from the Low countries and France as a result of the Dutch Revolt in the southern Netherlands and civil wars in France. Trudgill concludes that the zero from is due to contact at a time when the East Anglian system itself was in flux and this is the key to his argument. There is evidence of variation between the native southern -th forms and the northern -s forms at the same time that this region experience[d] a massive influx of immigrants who would have found the typologically highly marked third person singular verb forms difficult to acquire. In this situation of dialect contact, Trudgill (2002: 185) asserts, "natural forms tend to win out over non-natural ones".
特に後者の「3単現のゼロ」問題は aave の起源論においても鍵となるトピックであり,英語史上きわめて重要な論題である.
・ Hendriks, Jennifer. "English in Contact: German and Dutch." Chapter 105 of English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook. 2 vols. Ed. Alexander Bergs and Laurel J. Brinton. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012. 1659--70.
・ Samuels, Michael L. "Kent and the Low countries: Some Linguistic Evidence." Edinburgh Studies in English and Scots. Ed. A. J. Aitken, Angus McIntosh, and Hermann Pálsson. London: Longman, 1971. 3--19.
・ Trudgill, Peter. "Third-Person Singular Zero: African-American English, Anglian Dialects and Spanish Persecution in the Low Countries." East Anglian English. Ed. Jacek Fisiak and Peter Trudgill. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2002. 179--86.
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