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2016-04-02 Sat

#2532. The Owl and the Nightingale の書誌 [owl_and_nightingale][literature][eme][bibliography][link]

 この新年度には,初期中英語の討論詩 The Owl and the Nightingale を読み始める予定である.それに当たって,簡単な書誌を載せておきたい.研究書や論文を細かく含めるとおびただしい量になるので,ここでは主立ったものに限る.今後,必要に応じて追加していきたい.

[ Editions ]

 ・ Atkins, J. W. H., ed. The Owl and the Nightingale. New York: Russel & Russel, 1971. 1922.
 ・ Cartlidge, Neil, ed. The Owl and the Nightingale. Exeter: U of Exeter P, 2001.
 ・ Grattan, J. H. G. and G. F. H. Sykes, eds. The Owl and the Nightingale. Vol. 119 of EETS es. London: OUP, 1935.
 ・ Stanley, Eric Gerald, ed. The Owl and the Nightingale. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1972.
 ・ Treharne, Elaine, ed. Old and Middle English c. 890--c. 1450: An Anthology. 3rd ed. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

[ Editions for Part of the Text ]

 ・ Bennett, J. A. W. and G. V. Smithers, eds. Early Middle English Verse and Prose. 2nd ed. Oxford: OUP, 1968.
 ・ Burrow, J. A. and Thorlac Turville-Petre, eds. A Book of Middle English. 3rd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005.
 ・ Dickins, Bruce and R. M. Wilson, eds. Early Middle English Texts. London: Bowes, 1951.

[ Facsimile ]

 ・ Ker, N. R. The Owl and the Nightingale: Facsimile of the Jesus and Cotton Manuscripts. EETS os 251. London: 1963.

[ Studies ]

 ・ Cartlidge, Neil. "The Date of The Owl and the Nightingale." Medium Ævum 65 (1996): 230--47.
 ・ Fletcher, A. "Debate Poetry." Readings in Medieval Literature. Ed. D. Johnson and E. Treharne. Oxford: 2005. 241--56.
 ・ Hume, Kathryn. The Owl and the Nightingale: The Poem and Its Critics. Toronto, 1975.
 ・ Palmer, R. Barton. "The Narrator in The Owl and the Nightingale: A reader in the Text." Chaucer Review 22 (1988): 305--21.
 ・ Pearsal, Derek. Old English and Middle English Poetry. London: 1977. 91--4.
 ・ Reed, Thomas L. Middle English Debate Poetry and the Aesthetics of Irresolution. Columbia: 1990.
 ・ Salter, Elizabeth. English and International: Studies in the Literature, Art and patronage of Medieval England. Cambridge: 1988. Chapter 2.
 ・ Wilson, R. M. Early Middle English Literature. London: 1951. Chapter VII.

[ Online Resources ]

 ・ CMEPV: The Owl and the Nightingale (MS Cotton):
 ・ CMEPV: The Owl and the Nightingale (MS Jes. Col. 29)
 ・ CMEPV: MED Descriptions of CMEPV
 ・ LAEME: London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A ix, The Owl and the Nightingale, language 1
 ・ LAEME: London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A ix, The Owl and the Nightingale, language 2
 ・ LAEME: Oxford, Jesus College 29, part II, English on fols. 144r-195r; 198r-200v

Referrer (Inside): [2020-12-26-1]

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2016-03-22 Tue

#2521. 初期中英語の113種類の "such" の異綴字 [spelling][eme][laeme][corpus][scribe][me_dialect][representativeness]

 昨日の記事「#2520. 後期中英語の134種類の "such" の異綴字」 ([2016-03-21-1]) に続き,今回は初期中英語コーパス LAEME で "such" の異綴字を取り出してみたい (see 「#1262. The LAEME Corpus の代表性 (1)」 ([2012-10-10-1])) .この語は,初期中英語では形容詞,副詞,接続詞として用いられ,形容詞の場合には屈折もするので,全体として様々な形態が現われる.アルファベット順に一覧しよう(かっこ内の数値は文証される頻度).

hsƿucche (1), schilke (1), schuc (3), scli (1), scuche (1), sec (1), secc (1), secche (1), sech (2), seche (1), selk (1), selke (1), shuc (1), shuch (1), siche (1), silc (1), silk (3), sli (1), slic (5), sliik (1), slik (3), slike (1), slk (1), sly (1), soch (5), soche (1), solchere (1), suc (2), sucche (2), such (51), suche (1), suecche (1), suech (1), sueche (1), sueh (1), sug (1), suic (1), suicchne (1), suich (12), suiche (3), suilc (14), suilce (1), suilch (1), suilk (1), suilke (2), sulch (1), sulche (1), sulk (1), sulke (1), suuche (1), suweche (1), suwilk (1), suyc (1), suych (4), suyche (1), svich (2), sƿche (1), sƿic (3), sƿicche (1), sƿich (1), sƿiche (14), sƿichne (1), sƿilc (30), sƿilch (22), sƿilche (1), sƿilcne (1), sƿilk (14), sƿillc (10), sƿillke (2), sƿi~lch (1), sƿlche (1), sƿuc (4), sƿucch (1), sƿucche (4), sƿucches (1), sƿuch (1), sƿuche (1), sƿuchne (1), sƿuilc (1), sƿulc (8), sƿulce (1), sƿulche (9), swch (1), swecche (1), swech (1), sweche (2), swich (5), swiche (1), swics (1), swil (1), swilc (5), swilce (1), swilk (2), swilke (2), swilkee (2), swlc (1), swlch (1), swlche (1), swlchere (1), swlcne (1), swuche (2), swuh (1), swulcere (1), swulch (3), swulchen (1), swulchere (1), swulke (1), swulne (1), zuich (10), zuiche (14), zuichen (3), zuych (10), zuyche (2)

 大文字と小文字の区別はつけずに,合計113種類の綴字が文証される.そのなかで頻度にしてトップ5の綴字を抜き出すと,such, sƿilc, sƿilch, sƿilk, sƿiche となり,この5種類だけで全用例369個のうち131個 (35.5%) を占める.
 昨日の後期中英語からの134種類と合わせ,重複綴字を減算すると,中英語全体として247種類の異綴字があることになる.使用した方言地図やコーパスも必ずしも網羅的ではないので,これは控えめな数値と思われる.例えば,MEDswich (adj.) に掲げられている異綴字を加えれば,種類はもう少し増えるだろう.

Referrer (Inside): [2018-08-16-1]

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